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West Lake Landfill - Community Health


image of West Lake Site Profile PageThe content on this archived page is not maintained and may no longer apply. The Superfund Site Profile Page for the West Lake Landfill Site includes information such as the current status of cleanup efforts and what cleanup milestones have been reached. EPA fully transitioned from this archived page to the Site Profile Page in October 2018. The Site Profile Page is available on EPA's website, with a separate link in the Related Links box below.

Since 1990, EPA has overseen numerous air, soil and groundwater tests related to the West Lake Landfill.  The scientific data demonstrates that the wastes at the landfill do not currently pose an off-site health risk to the surrounding community.  The recent Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR) health consultation confirmed previous EPA and MDNR assessments that show groundwater, air, and soil data do not indicate a current health risk to communities surrounding the West Lake Landfill. 

In its health consultation, ATSDR expressed concern regarding the health impacts of radon gas to any past, current, and future on-site workers of the landfill. If landfill surface disturbances occurred at certain locations in OU-1, dust particles containing uranium and thorium decay products could have been released to the atmosphere.  In December 2015, EPA ordered the responsible parties to take steps to cover those areas at the landfill where radiological material was at or near the surface.  This cover will alleviate the concerns regarding landfill surface disturbances.

Additionally, there have been a number of significant assessments to determine if radiological material has migrated offsite, into the surrounding community; tests included off-site air and soil sampling, as well as groundwater monitoring. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources regularly publishes air monitoring results and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services continues to review the data collected for any health concerns.

If you have health-related questions or concerns, please talk with your physician, or contact Lieutenant Commander Erin Evans, U.S. Public Health Service, at