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Are you climate ready?


(image of the earth from space) What's your climate change personality? Take the quiz and find out!

How to play: For each quiz question, click the answer that best reflects how you feel.
Note: This is a fun quiz. We use your answers only to calculate your result. EPA privacy.

Are we experiencing climate change?It happened already. But it's over now and we can go back to normal!The effects won't happen for many years if we are experiencing climate change.I'm not sure. Isn't that when we get plunged into another ice age?Dramatic snow and thunderstorms, changing temperatures ... yeah, I'd say we're experiencing climate change.Did you know? EPA has a ton of information about climate change on its website.
Which of these best describes you?I don't feel guilty about anything! I'm doing all I can to combat climate change.I know LEDs are better but I still have incandescent bulbs.I just throw away all my plastic and cardboard instead of recycling.I don't recycle or donate my old electronics.Did you know? People who recycle and watch their energy use are fighting climate change.
What is the greatest source of carbon pollution?Cars!Power plants!Cows!Carbon is not a problem. It's been in the atmosphere forever!Did you know? The annual energy bill for a typical single family home is approximately $2,200!
How sustainable is your home right now?Solar panels, rain barrels, a vegetable garden ... I could live through a zombie apocalypse!Pretty green. I drive a hybrid car and turn off my water and lights when I'm not using them.Not terrible ... I turned a cereal box into a kitchen planter that one time.HA HA HA HA HA. I drink three plastic water bottles a day and throw them in the trash!Did you know? Sustainability means living with a neutral carbon footprint!
Do you know how much energy the U.S. gets from fossil fuels annually?53%11%86%100%Did you know? The U.S. contributes 20% of GLOBAL greenhouse gas emissions!
What do your energy bills look like right now?Amazing! Installing those new energy efficient lightbulbs was the BEST. IDEA. EVER.A little cheaper since I started watching my thermostat a little closer.Tragic! I'm drowning in credit card debt since I keep my AC/heating system cranked!A little high since I tend to leave a lot of my electronics on overnight.Did you know? The annual energy bill for a typical single family home is approximately $2,200!
Which one of these climate change causes is not a result of human behavior?Burning fossil fuels.Loss of forests.Smaller fish populations in the oceans.Changes in the earth's orbit.Did you know? Human activity is known to be the leading cause of climate change!
How often do you recycle?Me? Recycle? Never!A couple of times a week. I try to remember to take the bin outside.I go through on and off phases.Every day. Recycling is rad!Did you know? Recycling is one of the easiest ways that you can be climate conscious!
How often do you try to convince people that climate change is real??ALL. THE. TIME. How can people still not understand this is an issue?!?I don't. It isn't real.If you're going to talk about it, at least have all the facts! I don't say anything unless I hear someone making stuff up.I don't know anything about climate change. I just change the subject.Did you know? You can learn facts about climate change and what you can do to fight it from EPA's website.calculating your results