EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's 2018 Earth Day Message to EPA Employees
The message below was emailed to EPA employees, April 20, 2018:

America is a land of magnificent beauty and abundant natural resources. Few countries in the world are blessed with the natural resources we possess, and few countries in the world have a better environmental track record than ours. We have made tremendous strides improving the environment and public health. In anticipation of Earth Day, I want to take a moment to thank each of you for the work you do to carry out the core responsibilities of EPA: ensuring clean air, land, and water for all Americans.
As Americans, we desire that future generations inherit a clean, healthy environment that supports a thriving economy. As a country, we have made great progress improving air quality, cleaning up contaminated lands, and ensuring our bodies of water are safe for recreation and commerce. We still have important work to do, but let’s take a moment to recognize and celebrate the progress we’ve made and those who make it possible.
Thank you.
Administrator Pruitt