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Connecticut Phase II Design (2003/2004) Narrative

Connecticut began using a four year design in 2002, and then switched to a new four year design in 2003. The second sampling plan was halted in 2005.

In 2002, Connecticut sampled In-shore stations only. In 2003 they sampled off-shore stations in Long Island Sound. In 2004 they sampled Long Island Sound and Eastern Coastal stations.

The map file ct2k3.jpg shows planned CT sampling locations for 2003-2005. (The planned Year 2005 stations were NOT sampled.) The file CTMAP.xls provides planned latitude/longitudes for year 2002 stations. The file CT2K2PCT.xls provides information on station areas from both the first and second designs, including year 2003 and 2004 stations. The areas for all Long Island Sound (off shore) stations are based on the Year 2000-2001 design.

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