There were no new REMAP funding opportunities for 2008 and 2009.
In Response to the 2007 RFA:
Montana Natural Heritage Program, University of Montana. “Developing and Refining Ecological Indicators, Assessment Methods, and Sample Design for a Regionally Standardized Approach to Wetland Assessment in Region 8”. Contact Richard Sumner, U.S. EPA Western Ecology Division.
Midwest Biological Institute. “Development of Methods and Designs for the Biological Assessment of Non-Wadeable Rivers in New England”. Contact Walt Galloway, U.S. EPA Atlantic Ecology Division.
NatureServe. “Sampling Design and Protocols for the Assessment of Wetland Condition across Landscape Regions: A Multi-Metric Approach”. Contact Anett Trebitz, U.S. EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. “Columbia River Ecological Condition and Contaminant Source Assessment”. Contact David Peck, U.S. EPA Western Ecology Division.
In Response to the 2006 RFA:
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water - Quality Standards. "Pennsylvania’s Fish IBI Development and Metrics Verification". Contact: Jo Thompson, U.S. EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division.
Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, Pennsylvania State University. "Mid-Atlantic States Regional Wetland Assessment ". Contact: Mary Kentula, U.S. EPA Western Ecology Division.
Research Triangle Institute. "Geographically Isolated Wetlands in Eastern North Carolina". Contact: Richard Sumner, U.S. EPA Western Ecology Division.
University of Kansas Center for Research. "Assessing the Condition of U.S. EPA Region 7’s large tributaries of the Missouri Rivers". Contact: Jo Thompson, U.S. EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division.