South Carolina Estuarine & Coastal Habitats
The Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 1999-2000
2002. Van Dolah, R.F., P.C. Jutte, G.H.M. Riekerk, M.V. Levisen, L.E. Zimmerman, J.D.
Jones, A.J. Lewitus, D.E. Chestnut, W. McDermott, D. Bearden, G.I. Scott, M.H. Fulton.
Charleston, SC: South Carolina Marine Resources Division. Technical Report No. 90

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In 1999, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) initiated a collaborative coastal monitoring program entitled the "South Carolina Estuarine and Coastal Assessment Program" (SCECAP). The goal of SCECAP is to monitor the condition of the state's estuarine habitats and associated biological resources on an annual basis. This program significantly expands ongoing monitoring efforts by each agency and draws upon the expertise of both in a cooperative effort. SCECAP integrates measures of water quality, sediment quality and biological condition at a large number of sites throughout the state's coastal zone. It also expands historical monitoring activities that have primarily focused on open water habitats (e.g. bays, sounds, tidal rivers) to include an assessment of conditions in tidal creeks, which serve as important nursery habitat for most of the economically valuable species. Many of these tidal creeks are also the first point of entry for non-point source runoff from upland areas and therefore provide an early indication of anthropogenic stress.