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Outreach Materials Cover Letter

D.C. Water and Sewer Authority • Washington Aqueduct

D.C. Department of Health • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


From: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the D.C. Department of Health, the Washington Aqueduct, and the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority

Enclosed is new information to help keep you informed on research and other issues related to lead levels in the District of Columbia's tap water.

If you would like additional copies of these or any background materials free of charge, please call (703) 247-6193 or e-mail leadoutreach@cadmusgroup.com. Please provide your name, mailing address, and the number and type of materials you are requesting. (The back of the Community Update lists various available publications.)

We last sent you information in August 2004 about the anticipated start of the orthophosphate treatment and its potential effects. Orthophosphate was introduced into the District’s drinking water that month. Two initial side effects of the treatment were minor incidences of red water and an increase in the detection rate of coliform bacteria. Both were short lived and did not have any impact on public health. Also, neither has been reported in the District since October 2004.

Lead monitoring results in 2005 showed that 90 percent of the 100 homes tested had lead levels at or below 15 parts per billion (ppb). While these samples tested below the level cited in EPA's action level, it is important that all District residents continue to follow the consumer advisory for flushing their taps, and that those whose homes may have a lead service line continue using filters before drinking the water. The advisory continues because the Federal Lead and Copper Rule requires this until lead levels remain below the action level for two consecutive six-month periods.

If you have any questions about the treatment process or the consumer advisory, please call EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791, visit EPA's web site at www.epa.gov/dclead or WASA's web site at www.DCWater.com/lead Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer, or send an e-mail to leadoutreach@cadmusgroup.com.


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