Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

EPAs GreenScapes program provides cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for landscaping. Designed to help preserve natural resources and prevent waste and pollution, GreenScapes encourages companies, government agencies, other entities, and homeowners to make more holistic decisions regarding waste generation and disposal and the associated impacts on land, water, air, and energy use.
This website provides information on the GreenScapes program, including:
- GreenScapes for Large-scale Landscapes GreenScapes for Large-scale Landscapes offers commercial and government land managers information and resources to GreenScape their large-scale landscapes.
- GreenScapes for Homeowners GreenScapes for Homeowners provides homeowners with information and resources to improve the health and appearance of their lawns and gardens.
- Where You Live Includes links to state and EPA regional information.
- Benefits GreenScaping can help you save money, reduce waste, conserve water, save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce your environmental footprint.
- How to GreenScape Includes tips to GreenScape large-scale landscapes.
- Success Stories Learn about public agencies, private companies, and commercial landscapers using environmentally beneficial landscaping techniques.
- Resources Contains publications, guidance, and research documents as well as on-line calculator tools that can aid in your decision making and implementation of more sustainable landscape design, construction, and operations & maintenance.