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Tribal Consultation on New EPA Strategic Plan Measure SP-14b
- Tribal Consultation on New EPA Strategic Plan Measure SP-14b (PDF) (11 pp, 1MB, About PDF)
EPA is initiating consultation and coordination with Indian tribes on the definition for a new EPA strategic plan measure to demonstrate progress and success in protecting and maintaining quality waters at monitoring stations in Indian country. EPA introduced measure SP-14b in the Fiscal Year 2012 National Water Program Guidance in response to tribal requests for EPA to adopt a measure that shows where tribes are having success in protecting and maintaining quality waters in Indian country, as supported under Clean Water Act (CWA) Sections 106 and 319 grant funding. Tribes eligible under the CWA to receive Sections 106 and 319 funding may be impacted by this measure, as EPA seeks to work with tribal water programs in measuring tribal water quality. We are seeking input in defining this measure, including what tribal benchmark criteria should be used, and how best to determine "no degradation" of a quality water. Relevant documents for this consultation and coordination process include the Consultation Package itself (which includes the Tribal Consultation and Coordination Process and Timeline; the Measure Definition; and Frequently asked Question) and the powerpoint presentation given at the two informational webinars. Please note that the schedule for the Tribal Consultation and Coordination Process has been updated. The Consultation Package provided here includes this updated schedule. - National Tribal Consultation Informational Webinars (PDF) (15 pp, 166K, About PDF)
A key component of the consultation process are the two consultation informational webinars. The powerpoint presentation provided here contains the information provided at both webinars.