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Ordering Clean Lakes Related Documents On-line


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regularly produces technical guidance covering aspects of lakes management.  Following are several key documents prepared by EPA which can be ordered using the the order form below.

Managing Lakes and Reservoirs (EPA 841-B-01-006) is the third edition of a manual originally titled  "The Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual" (EPA 440-4-90-006).  This new manual  was written for informed citizens who are interested in protecting, restoring, and managing their lakes amd reservoirs. (382 pp)

Monitoring Lake and Reservoir Restoration (EPA 440-4-90-007) explains how to design and implement a lake monitoring program during and following a lake restoration project. It describes monitoring methods for both the water body and the watershed. This manual provides recommendations for consistent monitoring methods and quality assurance procedures to assist lake managers and researchers. It includes a U.S. Geological Survey map illustrating the average annual runoff in the United States.

Fish and Fisheries Management in Lakes and Reservoirs (EPA 841-R-93-002) focuses on the management of fisheries and lake water quality.  An important objective of this manual is to encourage the development of an integrated lake management program that assesses fish, other biota, the physical and chemical characteristics of the lake habitat, and the associated watershed as an interdependent unit.

The nutrient phosphorus is most often the principle contaminant of lakes. The guidance Modeling Phosphorous Loading and Lake Response Under Uncertainty: A Manual and Compilation of  Export Coefficients (EPA 440-5-80-011) presents an illustrated, step-by-step procedure that may be used to quantify the relationship between the phosphorus generated by various land uses and lake trophic quality.  The document aids the analyst in the selection of appropriate export coefficients and in the interpretation of the results of an application of this methodology.  It includes a section on estimating nonparametric prediction intervals.

Other guidance useful to lake managers includes Quantitative Techniques for the Assessment of Lake Quality (EPA 440-5-79-015) which covers data analysis and sampling design, models, and lake classifications as they relate to phosphorus loadings in lakes.

The report Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Lake Water Quality Trends (EPA 841-R-93-003) with its accompanying software in the SAS system presents nonparametric statistical methods for trend assessment in water quality, with an emphasis on lakes.  The purpose of the manual and software is to furnish lake program managers with guidance on the application and interpretation of methods for the detection of trends in lake water quality.

Volunteer monitoring programs form an increasingly important component of lake management. The "Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual (EPA 440-4-91-002) provides step-by-step methods for monitoring key lake water quality problems using citizen volunteers. Includes information on quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of data, data analysis and preservation, and equipment.

In the report A Commitment to Watershed Protection: A Review of the Clean Lakes Program (EPA 841-R-93-001) interviews with Federal, State, and local agency representatives participated in the Clean Lakes Program illustrate their application of the principles of watershed protection.

Lakewalk Manual: A Guidebook for Citizen Participation (EPA 910/B-95-007) Published by EPA Region 10, provides citizens a useful tool for assessing and protecting their lakes.  The manual and companion worksheet provides an organized way for citizens to learn about lakes and to collect observed information and data.

Clean Lakes Program 1993/94 Annual Report, EPA 841-S-95-003, Aug. 1995 (PDF) (46 pp, 271K, About PDF) hightlights the accomplishments and activities under the Clean Water Act Section 314 Clean Lakes Program in Fiscal Years 1993 and 1994.  Many aspects of the Watershed Protection Approach were pioneered by the Clean Lakes Program and projects described in this report illustrate the continuing application of this apporach in America's lakes and in the watersheds tributary to them.

Watershed Protection: Clean Lake Case Study: Phosphorous Inactivation and Wetland Manipulation Improve Kezar Lake, New Hampshire (EPA 841-F-95-002, Number 1).
This case study hightlights the use of aluminum salts to inactivate in-lake phosphorous and manipulation of wetlands to remove phosphorous in Kezar Lake, New Hampshire.  These techniques were successfuly implemented under a Phase II restoration Project under EPA's Section 314 Clean Lakes Program (CLP).  Also, a CLP Section 314 Phase III Post-Restoration Monitoring Project assessed the effectiveness of this project.

Watershed Protection: Clean Lakes Case Study: Use of Aquatic Weevils to Control a Nuisance Weed in Lake Bomoseen, Vermont (EPA 841-F-97-002, Number 3)
This case study highlights the use of aquatic weevils as a biological control for Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in Lake Bomoseen, VT.  The initial results in Lake Bomoseen, and in several other lakes, indicate that this technique shows promise for controlling the growth of Eurasian watermilfoil and could potentially be used in other lakes with similar problems.

Watershed Protection: Clean Lake Case Study: Watershed and In-Lake Practices Improve Green Valley Lake, Iowa (EPA 841-F-95-003, Number 2). This case study hightlights the water quality problems identified throught a Clean Lakes Program (CLP) Section 314 Digagnostic/Feasibility Study and the successful restoration program (Phase II of hte CLP) that was implemented at Green Valley Lake, Iowa.  The results of the Clean Lakes Post-Restoration Monitoring Project are also hightlighted and indicate that the water qualtiy has improved.


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