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Water: Local Drinking Water Information

New York Drinking Water

 Note: The external links to state web sites and contacts may not be accurate at this time, we are currently reviewing this information. Please check back with us for the updates on these pages.

The water you drink


Drinking water suppliers now provide reports (sometimes called consumer confidence reports) that tell where drinking water comes from, and what contaminants may be in it.

To view the information about your drinking water supplier that is in EPA's database, please visit the Envirofacts page on your state.

Envirofacts data on New York

If your drinking water comes from a private well, you are responsible for your water's safety.  EPA rules do not apply to private wells (although some state rules do), but EPA recommends that well owners have their water tested annually.  Contact your state to get a list of certified commercial laboratories that test drinking water.

Where does drinking water come from?

River with Trees

To find out about the watershed that supplies your drinking water and how to protect it, click here. If your water comes from a ground water source, read about your state's ground water quality Exit EPA Disclaimer

State drinking water offices

New York's drinking water program Exit EPA Disclaimer
Bureau of Public Water Supply Protection
Department of Health
Empire State Plaza - Corning Tower
Room 1168
Albany, NY 12237

New York's source water program Exit EPA Disclaimer
Bureau of Public Water Supply Protection
Department of Health
Empire State Plaza - Corning Tower
Room 1168
Albany, NY 12237


Compliance trends

Bar Chart

Each state produces an annual report on trends among its drinking water systems. Read New York's 1998 report  Exit EPA Disclaimer or EPA's national summary.

Funds for safer water

Dollar Sign and Water Tower

States can use funds that the EPA makes available through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program to help their water suppliers improve drinking water quality. Find out more about New York's program. Exit EPA Disclaimer

For general information on drinking water

Contact EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

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