Water: Wetlands
Landowner Assistance & Stewardship
- 1996 Farm Bill Programs
- Other Federal Agency Assistance Programs
- State Landowner Assistance Programs
- Wetlands Restoration & Creation
- Additional Information
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund
1996 Farm Bill Programs
In 1994 the U.S. Department of Agriculture was given sole responsibility for identifying all wetlands on agricultural land for both Clean Water Act and Swampbuster programs. The 1996 revisions of the Farm Bill included modifications to four incentive programs relating to wetlands.Other Federal Agency Assistance Programs
In addition to EPA, the Corps, and USDA, other Federal agencies administer wetlands programs.Partners for Wildlife
North American Waterfowl Management Plan
U.S. Forest Service
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Park Service
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Transportation
State Landowner Assistance Programs
This information resource helps landowners understand wetlands, the benefits of wetlands, basic techniques and options for wetland management, the economic benefits of various wetland protection methods and where to go for more assistance.Examples
Texas Wetland Assistance: Guide for Landowners - This is a comprehensive guide to federal, state, and private programs, offering technical and/or financial assistance to private wetland owners within the State of Texas. The programs are designed to enhance, create, or conserve wetlands in Texas in exchange for technical, financial and educational assistance to private landowners.
Arkansas Wetland Conservation Plan (PDF Format) - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission at 501-223-6300.
Living with Michigan's Wetlands: A Landowner's Guide - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact the Tipp of the Mitt Watershed Council at 616-347-1181.
Ohio Wetlands - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact the National Audubon Society's Great Lakes Regional Office at 614-224-3303.
Private Landowner's Wetlands Assistance Guide: Voluntary Options for Wetlands Stewardship in Maryland - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact EPA Region III at 215-566-2718.
The Oregon Wetlands Conservation Guide: Voluntary Wetlands Stewardship Options for Oregon's Private Landowners - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Division at 503-292-9451.
Landowning Colorado Style - to obtain a copy of this guide, contact the Colorado Association of Soil Conservation Districts at 303-232-6242.
Wetlands Restoration & Creation
Restoration and Creation for Wastewater Treatment
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife Habitat: 17 Case Studies (EPA832-R-93-005) - This document provides brief descriptions of 17 wetland treatment systems from across the country that are providing significant water quality benefits while demonstrating additional benefits such as wildlife habitat. The projects described include systems involving both constructed and natural wetlands, habitat creation and restoration, and the improvement of municipal effluent, urban stormwater and river water quality.
Better Wetlands - More than a dozen ideas to improve restored wetlands for wildlife and personal enjoyment.
Design Manual: Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment (PDF) (92 pp, 976K)- This document describes using constructed wetlands as a functional part of wastewater management. This document is not intended to be guidance or a support document for a specific regulatory program.
Handbook of Constructed Wetlands (PDF) - This Handbook has been prepared as a general guide to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of constructed wetlands for the treatment of domestic wastewater,agricultural wastewater, coal mine drainage, and stormwater runoff in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment: A Technology Assessment (PDF) (87 pp, 436K) - This report describes the design, construction and performance of subsurface-flow constructed wetlands as used in the United States for wastewater treatment.
Constructed Wetlands Bibliography - This bibliography was compiled by United States Department of Agriculture Staff from the Ecological Sciences Division of the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Water Quality Information Center at the National Agricultural Library.
Constructed Wetlands and Water Quality Improvement - Bibliography of 201 citations from the AGRICOLA database; also includes citations related to naturally occurring wetlands and water quality improvement; covers January 1992-September 1996.
Additional Information
Restoring and Creating Wetlands: Planning Guide for Central States Region: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska (PDF) (26 pp,1.5MB, About PDF)- This document was produced to aid planners, local governments, businesses, and the general public in understanding how to plan a wetland restoration or creation project.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF format) - General Information Fact Sheet
Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (PDF) (3 pp, 39K) - Fact Sheet on how the Clean Water State Revolving Fund can be used to fund restoration projects HTML version
CW-SRF Funded Wetlands Projects (PDF) (3 pp, 61K) - case studies on wetlands projects using CW-SRF