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Water: Monitoring & Assessment

Appendix C. AREM short form

User's Manual:
Avian Richness Evaluation Method (AREM)
for Lowland Wetlands of the Colorado Plateau

(A= acre, ft= feet, in= inches, mi= miles)

  1. Location: river/lake <0.5 mi?
  2. Surface Water: >0.1 A?
    [skip to #5 if no]
  3. Open Water > 2 inches deep:
    ___OpenBig: >20 A and width mostly >500 ft
    ___OpenSmall: < 1 A, or >1 A but width <3 ft
    ___OpenOther: all other
  4. Specific Aquatic Conditions:
    ___StillWater: >0.1 A that flows at <1 ft/s
    ___Amphibs: crayfish, frogs, salamanders
    ___Clear: 10 inch visibility and no metals problem
    ___Enriched: feedlots etc.
    ___Drawdown: most of wetland dries out or floods from river 1 year in 5
  5. Bare Soil: >0.1 A of exposed mud, alkali flat, recently tilled, heavily grazed, etc. during this season?
    [skip to 7 if no]
  6. Large Mudflat: >1 A + width>100 ft + no salt + not recessed
  7. Trees: >2 trees...
    ___TreeIn: in wetland ___TreeNear: within 1000 ft
    [skip to 11 if no]
  8. Tree Cover: tree acres within 300 ft + acres in wetland
    ___ForestDens: >1 A, closed canopy, and >300 ft wide
    ___ForestOpen: >1 A, open, and >300 ft wide
    ___WoodDens: 0.1-1.0 A closed, or larger but narrower than 300 ft
    ___WoodOpen: 0.1-1.0 A open, or larger but narrower than 300 ft
  9. Big Trees: >2 trees, >12 inch diameter within 300 ft or in?
  10. Snags: >2 snags (>5 inch diameter), within 300 ft or in wetland?
  11. Shrubs: >0.1 acre of shrubs (2-20 ft height)...
    ___ShrubIn: in wetland ___ShrubNear: within 1000 ft
    [skip to 13 if neither]
  12. Shrub Species and Density: shrub acres within 300 ft + in wetland:
    ___WwMuchDens: willow >1 A, dense and wide
    ___WwMuchOpen: willow >1 A, open, or dense but narrow
    ___WwSomeDens: willow 0.1 - 1.0 A, dense
    ___WwSomeOpen: willow 0.1 - 1.0 A, open
    ___GrMuchDens: greasewood etc. >1 A, dense and wide
    ___GrMuchOpen: greasewood etc. >1 A, open, or dense and narrow
    ___GrSomeDens: greasewood etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A, dense
    ___GrSomeOpen: greasewood etc. >1 A, open
    ___FrMuchDens: Russian olive etc. >1 A, closed
    ___FrMuchOpen: Russian olive etc. >1 A, open or clumped
    ___FrSomeDens: Russian olive etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A, closed
    ___FrSomeOpen: Russian olive etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A, open or clumped
    ___TmMuchDens: tamarisk >1 A, closed
    ___TmMuchOpen: tamarisk >1 A, open or clumped
    ___TmSomeDens: tamarisk 0.1 - 1.0 A, closed
    ___TmSomeOpen: tamarisk 0.1 - 1.0 A, open or clumped
  13. Herbaceous Vegetation: >0.1 A of herbaceous
    ___HerbIn: in wetland ___HerbNear: within 1000 ft
  14. Herbaceous Species and Density: herbaceous acres within 300 ft + in wetland:
    ___RbMuchDens: robust cattail etc. >1 A, dense and wide
    ___RbMuchOpen: robust cattail etc. >1 A, open, or dense but narrow
    ___RbSomeDens: robust cattail etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A, dense
    ___RbSomeOpen: robust cattail etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A, open
    ___WEMuchDens: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) >1 A, dense, wide, and >1 ft tall
    ___WEMuchOpen: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) >1 A, open tall or dense but narrow
    ___WEMuchShrt: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) >1 A, short (<1 ft), dense or open
    ___WESomeDens: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) 0.1 - 1.0 A, dense, >1 ft tall
    ___WESomeOpen: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) 0.1 - 1.0 A, open tall
    ___WESomeShrt: wet emergents (sedge, bulrush) 0.1 - 1.0 A, short <4 in, dense or open
    ___DEMuchDens: dry emergents (grasses etc.) >1 A, dense, wide, and tall (>1 ft)
    ___DEMuchOpen: dry emergents (grasses etc.) >1 A, open, tall, or dense but narrow
    ___DEMuchShrt: dry emergents (grasses etc.) >1 A, short (<1 ft), dense or open
    ___DESomeDens: dry emergents (grasses etc.) 0.1 - 1.0 A, dense, tall (> 1 ft)
    ___DESomeOpen: dry emergents (grasses etc.) 0.1 - 1.0 A, open, tall, or dense but narrow
    ___DESomeShrt: dry emergents (grasses etc.) >1 A, short, open or dense
    ___ForbMuch: alfalfa, milkweed, etc. > 1 A
    ___ForbSome: alfalfa, milkweed, etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A
    ___AqMuch: watercress, sago, duckweed etc. > 1 A
    ___AqSome: watercress, sago, duckweed etc. 0.1 - 1.0 A
  15. Surrounding Land Cover: within 0.5 mi...
    ___SurAgWet: >60% pasture, alfalfa, grain, row crops, other wetlands, weeds, grass
    ___SurDesrt: >60% sagebrush, shadscale, rabbitbrush
    ___SurPJ: >60% pinyon-juniper
    ___SurOak: >60% oak, serviceberry, skunkbrush
    ___Other, or none of above add to >60%
  16. Local Land Cover: within 3.0 mi of wetland...
    ___LocAgWet: >60% pasture, alfalfa, grain, row crops, other wetlands, weeds, grass
    ___LocDesrt: >60% sagebrush, shadscale, rabbitbrush
    ___LocPJ: >60% pinyon-juniper
    ___LocOak: >60% oak, serviceberry, skunkbrush
    ___Other, or none of above add to >60%
  17. Visual Seclusion: check ONLY ONE:
    ___SeclusionH: no road within 600 ft or not visible if road present, and <1 visit/week on foot
    ___SeclusionM: EITHER of above
  18. Predation Potential: check ONLY ONE:
    ___PredHPot: major road, urban, or linear
    ___PredMPot: other road or building within 1000 ft
  19. Burned, mowed, or intensively grazed during this season?
  20. Nesting Locations:
    ___SwallNest: swallow sites -- barns, bridges within 300 ft
    ___GooseNest: goose platforms, in wetland or on perimeter
    ___Banks: within 0.5 mi, height >5 ft, vertical

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