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Looking for videos by students or for students about various environmental subjects? Check out the videos below:

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Pick 5 is an international community of students like you taking action to protect our environment. Even young kids can make a difference, like this boy who decides to plant a tree and make a difference!
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Students learning about acid rain using EPA's teacher guide.
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President's Environmental Youth Awards Program.

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Climate Change

EPA partnered with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management to produce a new educational kit, Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands Toolkit for Formal and Informal Educators. The kit contains case studies, activities, and a video based on the highest quality climate science, environmental education and stewardship information, and is designed to educate, inspire, and engage students everywhere to become stewards of our nations wildlife and ecosystems.
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The Science of Climate Change in National Parks series discusses topics such as sea level rise, glacial melt, and species changes in National Parks.

Climate Change Conversations explores what and how we can learn about climate change in National Parks and other protected areas.

Explaining Climate Change is a resource for educators, with video demonstrations of ideas for teaching climate change principles in the classroom.


Estuaries - where rivers meet the sea. Watch and learn why these vital waterways of life, culture, and economic growth should be protected and restored.
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Actor John Corbett celebrates the end of EPA's National Building Competition and encourages us all to make energy-saving changes in the buildings where we work, play, and learn.
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Are you a STAR when it comes to saving energy? What could you be doing?
See how people across the country are saving energy with ENERGY STAR, and learn how you can help save energy with some simple tips from the top videos in the Be an ENERGY STAR Video Challenge. In these videos people from across the U.S. share important energy saving tips that can help us all. From turning off unneeded electronics to replacing standard lightbulbs with CFLs, these videos show how each and every one of us can change the world with ENERGY STAR.
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Green Living

Jamie, Gordon, Joshua and the two Elizabeths helped us on our third installment of "what I Want." Don't forget if you want to find an Earth Day event near you go to www.epa.gov/earthday.
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For Earth Day, we challenged people to show us something simple they do for the environment and pass along a sign declaring personal responsibility for the environment.
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Eco-athlete and racecar driver Leilani Munter teams up with EPA's Pick 5 Program to talk about some of the simple steps every American can take to help protect the environment.
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EPA Scientists are teaching young students in the Hispanic community to learn about the environment. By working closely with the school teachers, EPA creates lessons which support their science curriculum and reflect the environmental impact. The program promotes science and math, and creates environmental awareness in the Hispanic community.
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Former NFL Player Jerome Bettis knows the effects of asthma first hand. He talks about EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, which will help limit pollution from power plants, making it easier for Americans to breathe cleaner air.
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Mercury spills occur across the country, sometimes as a result of children finding mercury and handling it. Mercury contamination is a serious health risk. This video was produced by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Environmental Protection Agency specifically for children to strongly communicate that children should never touch mercury. Please share this video as widely as possible.
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NFL Player Chester Pitts, Offensive Lineman for the Seattle Seahawks, tells us about the dangers of Radon.
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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What do you do to celebrate America Recycles Day? There are all sorts of options.
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Are these kids really playing with garbage?
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Food waste is the second largest portion of garbage going into landfills in the United States, accounting for over 30 million tons each year. Food Scraps are one of the most important materials to divert from landfills as they decompose to create methane, a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) that contributes to climate change. In order to decrease food waste and mitigate global warming, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) is pioneering an innovative method of taking food scraps from restaurants and commercial food processors and using them as a valuable commodity to produce green renewable energy through anaerobic digestion, with the remains going to compost.
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Pick 5 is an international community of students like you taking action to protect our environment. See how one students tackles water savings!
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