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Model Composting Regulations

The US Composting Council (USCC) in conjunction with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Ohio State EPA and a volunteer Task Force developed a Model Compost Rule Template (Model Rules) to assist state regulatory agencies in development of (or revisions to) their composting regulations. This webinar will introduce you to the Model Rules, tell the story of regulation change from the states perspective and provide information on the benefits of adopting similar rule changes for your state.

One of the main goals of EPA's Food Recovery Challenge (FRC) is to increase diversion of food waste from landfills. Success of the FRC will equate to more food waste being diverted. This food waste needs an environmentally sound destination. Therefore, EPA is reaching out to and working with our states to help insure that there is sufficient composting capacity to handle the growing volume of diverted food scraps.

Regulation of composting facilities falls under the jurisdiction of the states. A number of states have sufficient capacity for food composting but many do not. In some cases, outdated or non-existing food composting regulations may be stemming food diversion practices. Regulations that are based on science as well as experience are needed as a foundation for regulators to streamline the permitting process and to provide clarity regarding regulatory oversight. Composting facilities must be designed, operated and regulated to insure that public health and the environment are protected and that quality products are produced.

Regulation change is often a long and arduous process. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a template of provisions that states could use that was known to be effective in other states to get the process jump started? Now there is.


U.S. Composting Council (USCC) (PDF) (7pp, 378Kb, About PDF)

Georgia Environmental Protection Division (PDF) (19pp, 1.77Mb, About PDF)

Ohio EPA (PDF) (11pp, 542Kb, About PDF)


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