CARES Version 1.0 Documentation CD ============================ (Released March 20, 2002) Version -------- All documents included on this CD relate only to CARES Version 1.0. Contents -------- The following folders and files are included on this CD: CARES Documentation (folder): CARES CODE Manual.pdf CARES Technical Manual Appendices.pdf CARES Technical Manual.pdf CARES User Guide.pdf Viewing PDF Files --------------------- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3.0 or later to view the pdf files. You may obtain the latest version of Acrobat Reader free from CARES Prototype (folder) CARES Dietary Output Conersion Utility (folder) Prototype CSU Analyses Utility (folder) Distribution Generation Tool (folder) Programs and documents in the CSU Prototype folder are supplemental utilities and tools that were designed in prototype but have not yet been integrated into CARES. Instructions on how to install and run these utilities are located in the respective subfolder. Contacts -------- For information regarding CARES, please contact Angelina Duggans at Crop Life America (Phone Number: 202-872-3885)