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2015 State Nutrient Reduction Strategies Web Series

How to attend the webinars

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Past Webinars

Presentations from the State Nutrient Reduction Workshop and Webcast Series

For access to previously recorded webcasts please contact

Cyd Curtis

The next webinar will be:

June 16, 2pm Central
BMP Selection to Solve Identified Water Quality Problems
Greg Albrecht, NYS Agriculture & Markets, CNMP Specialist, AEM Program Coordinator
Laura Bieberich Crane, IN Department of Environmental Management, NPS program, Senior Project Manager
Rob Traver, Villanova University, Director Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership
Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, The Nature Conservancy, Western Lake Erie Basin Project Director

2015 Webinar Schedule

Feb. 11
Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework: GIS-based Tools for Watershed Assessment and Planning (PDF) (50pp, 6.9MB)
Mark Tomer, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

April 2   
Putting a price on pollution: How mapping and modeling ecosystem services can inform conservation and resource management"
Bonnie Keeler, Steve Polasky, Jesse Gourevitch
University of Minnesota

April 29
Evaluating Minimum Detectable Change with Power Analysis (PDF) (46pp, 1MB)
Jon Harcum and Steve Dressing, Tetra Tech

June 3 
Farmers building soil health and protecting water quality in Minnesota (PDF) (46pp, 7.2MB)
Karen Scanlon, CTIC
Dave Legvold, Producer, Northfield Mn

June 16   2pm Central
BMP Selection to Solve Identified Water Quality Problems
Greg Albrecht, NYS Agriculture & Markets, CNMP Specialist, AEM Program Coordinator
Laura Bieberich Crane, IN Department of Environmental Management, NPS program, Senior Project Manager
Rob Traver, Villanova University, Director Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership
Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, The Nature Conservancy, Western Lake Erie Basin Project Director

October 28 10am Central
Understanding Farmers’ Awareness, Attitudes and Practices related to Nutrient Management in Indiana
Linda Prokopy, Purdue University

December 9   10am Central
Speaker/topic TBA


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