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Photo Gallery - Initial Problem

EPA Demonstrates a Viable and Sustainable Technology
to Treat Wastewater in Central America
US-EPA, Region 4, SESD, Athens, Georgia

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Puerto Barrios, Guatemala
The town is part of Amatique Bay that connects to the Caribbean Sea.

The photo shows an aerial view of  Puerto Barrios.

Puerto Barrios was started as a port town.
There is no wastewater infrastructure in the town.

The photo shows a cargo ship in the bay and a small dock.

Raw wastewater is discharged directly into the Rio Escondido river.

The photo shows houses next to the Rio Escondido river and wastewater lines from the homes discharging directly into the river.

Potable water line.

The photo shows a potable water line suspended underneath a bridge that crosses the river.  Garbage is hanging from the water line.

Potable water lines throughout the town are located in the same ditches used to discharge wastewater from homes to the bay or to a river.

The photo shows potable water lines in the same ditch with wastewater.

Septic sludge accumulates in open ditches.

The photo shows septic sludge that has accumulated in one of the open ditches being cleaned out.

Many of the towns flush toilets are located in buildings outside the main house where more than one family may use them.

The photo shows a flush toilet through the open door of an out house.

A typical wastewater discharge line from a house to the street. These lines are old and have cracks that allow storm water to enter the discharge line.

The photo shows a yard with an above ground wastewater discharge line located under a clothesline.

The high ground water table is a problem when excavating in Puerto Barrios.

The photo shows water in a shallow dug hole in the ground.

[ Report | More Photos and Diagrams ]

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