Region 1: EPA New England
Fequently Asked Questions About the Index to EPA Test Methods
Q. What are test methods?
A. Test methods are approved procedures for measuring the presence
and concentration of physical and chemical pollutants; evaluating
properties, such as toxic properties, of chemical substances; or
measuring the effects of substances under various conditions.
Q. Why an index?
A. This Index was developed by Peg Nelson, contractor to US EPA
Region 1, to improve access to US EPA test methods. It is not
an official EPA publication nor does inclusion or exclusion of
methods indicate EPA approval or disapproval of any method. The
most recent version can be downloaded from the EPA New England
Region 1 Web site at
Q. What information is included?
A. This Adobe Acrobat version contains the following pieces of information:
- Method Number the official method number or a compiler
assigned number if un-numbered
Examples: 0330.1 or 3810 or TO-15 or 8080A* ( * indicates not available) or SAMPLIN - Chemical or Method Description chemical, analyte, group
of chemicals or name of protocol. if you don't find the one you
want, try a broader term such as metals for mercury or pesticides
for DDT
Examples: Absorption or Maneb or Larval Survival or mercury
- Where to find a copy (see separate source list at end)
in one of four categories:
- EPA Report # EPA report number
Examples: 600/4-82-029 or SW-846 Ch 3.3
- 40 CFR Part Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations
part numbers
Examples: 60 App A or 136 App A or 795.250 - Region 1 # EPA Region 1 Library local call number
Examples: 01A0006125a or 01A0006706 - Electronic Version abbreviated reference to an electronic
version if available
Examples: www or ttn/emc or NEMI; the full web address is given in the Source List;
CD = indicates included in the Water Methods CD ROM (EPA 821/C-99-004)
- EPA Report # EPA report number
- Date Issued date method was published
Examples: 09/25/1996 or / / / (date unknown)
Q. Where are the methods?
A. This compilation is only an index, not a collection of actual
methods. However, with this 2003 edition, over 75% of the sources
have live links to the actual method from the Adobe Acrobat version
while connected to the Internet. The Sources for EPA Test Methods
list, following the two indexes, indicates how to obtain print copies
and/or offers links to the methods listed.
Q Why are there multiple entries for some method numbers?
A. This was done intentionally to accommodate multiple substances
determined by a single method. Some numbers appear to have been
used for more than one media and method, and no attempt was made
to reconcile these apparent discrepancies. A look at the source
list should let you know for what general purpose the method was
intended (wastewater, soil, air, or multi-media).
Q. What if I can't find a method I need?
A. In some cases individual substances are listed; in others a family
of substances is listed under one name. For example, look for
related or broader terms such as metals rather than mercury
or pesticides as well as a specific one such as dursban. EPA
does not have a test method for all chemicals, only those which
it in some way regulates. You are welcome to contact
Region 1 to inquire about methods not found in the
index and for suggestions on where else to look. In many cases,
we will be able to email the method to you or direct you to
a website or someone who can help you further.