Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Tribal Water Protection
2008 EPA Clean Water Act Tribal Workshop
Stormwater Controls for Tribal Construction Sites
Workshop Information
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Hosted by
Stormwater Enforcement Team, Water Division, EPA Region 9
Event Date
Thursday, August 14, 2008
EPA Region 9 Offices
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
First Floor conference rooms
EPA Workshop for Construction Stormwater
The purpose of the EPA CWA Tribal Workshop is to discuss Clean Water Act regulatory requirements for construction projects on Tribal lands.
Download the Stormwater Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 56K).
Download the Clean Water Act Fact Sheet (PDF) (1 pp, 119K).
Workshop Agenda
Clean Water Act (CWA) Overview: Spotlight on Stormwater (CWA §402) (PDF) (18 pp, 228K) | Rich Campbell, EPA |
Regulating Stormwater Activities: Construction Permits (PDF) (18 pp, 741K) | Eugene Bromley, EPA |
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for Construction (PDF) (24 pp, 1.2M) | Ann Murphy, EPA |
Tribal Case Study: Post-Construction Activities (PDF) (15 pp, 1.2M) | Tom Keegan, Dry Creek Rancheria |
EPA Inspections & Enforcement on Tribal Lands: What to Expect (PDF) (14 pp, 438K) | Ann Murphy, EPA |
Protecting Water Quality with Low Impact Development and Green Casinos (PDF) (23 pp, 1.6M) | John Tinger, EPA |
When is an Industrial Site Subject to Stormwater Requirements? (PDF) (12 pp, 2.2M) | Rick Sakow, EPA |
CWA §404 Program: Regulating discharge of dredge or fill materials from construction or development projects (PDF) (16 pp, 1.2M) | Wilson Yee, EPA |
CWA §401 Certification Program: Regulating Discharges from Construction or Operation of Facilities (PDF) (27 pp, 73K) | Melissa Scianni, EPA |
Panel Discussion/Q & A: CWA §402, §404, and §401 | Eugene Bromley, Wilson Yee, EPA, Mary Butterwick, EPA, Anne Murphy, EPA, Melissa Scianni, EPA, Rich Campbell, EPA |
Tribal Case Study: Pre- and Construction Activities (PDF) (17 pp, 1.9M) | Mike Fallon, Jackson Rancheria |
Online Resources
EPA Resources:
- Region 9 Stormwater website
- Stormwater Overview
- Construction Stormwater
- Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control (BMPs)
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Activities
- Smartgrowth
- Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents
- Electronic Stormwater Notice of Intent (eNOI) Home Page
- View Stormwater NOIs
- Stormwater Program
Non-EPA Resources:
- Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center
- International Erosion Control Association
- ASCE BMP Database
- California Stormwater Quality Association
- BMPs
- Techniques
- Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
- California Stormwater Quality Association BMP Handbooks
- State of California
- Low Impact Development