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Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

NPDES Wastewater & Stormwater Permits

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Asset Management in NPDES Permits

Municipalities across the country are facing the challenging obligation to manage their aging sewer and stormwater systems at a time of urban population growth, more stringent water quality protection requirements, and increased exposure to climate change-related risks. At the same time, it has become more difficult for many municipalities to secure new funding for infrastructure improvements or replacement, or even to maintain existing funding levels. Asset management planning is a proven tool for maintaining and elevating levels of service for wastewater and stormwater systems and planning system renewal and upgrades.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulates point sources that discharge pollutants into water of the U.S. and serves to standardize practices associated with operating & maintaining both sewer and stormwater collection systems.

Incorporating Asset Management Planning Provisions into NPDES Permits (PDF) (10 pp, 560K) outlines the benefits and basis for addressing asset management in NPDES permits, then goes on to suggest potential language and implementation practices for incorporation into permits.

Case Studies

To provide context for current asset management implementation being conducted across the country, EPA Region 9 has compiled a handful of case studies on municipalities currently in various stages of implementing asset management practices:




Jamie Marincola (Marincola.JamesPaul@epa.gov)

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