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Fact Sheet

April 2009

Record of Decision for Remedial Action Signed, Riverfront Superfund Site, Operable Unit 4, New Haven, Missouri


EPA Region 7 has signed a Record of Decision (ROD) for a Remedial Action that addresses soil and ground water contamination at the Riverfront Superfund Site, Operable Unit 4 (OU4) in New Haven, Missouri. This action is being taken under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as the Superfund law. The ROD was signed on March 26, 2009. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) supports the selected remedy.

EPA convened a public hearing in New Haven on January 6, 2009, to present the Proposed Plan to the local community and to receive feedback about the proposal. EPA did not receive any written comments on the proposal. The ROD is available for review at the New Haven Regional Library.


In 1986, the volatile organic compound (VOC), tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in two public-supply ground water wells owned by the city of New Haven. Following the discovery of the contamination, two new public-supply wells were installed in the southern part of the city and several investigations to determine the source of the contamination were conducted by MDNR and EPA. Based on information obtained through site investigations, EPA has divided the Riverfront Site into six operable units. OU4 was designated in 2000 after PCE was detected in a monitoring well south of the closed public well W2.  OU4 encompasses much of the east half of the city north of Highway 100. EPA placed the Riverfront Site on the National Priorities List in December 2000.


The remedial action for OU4 addresses contaminated soil and ground water in the fractured bedrock. The action selected to address contaminated soils consists of the injection of a chemical oxidant to reduce the level of residual contaminants.   This treatment of contaminated soils is also expected to eliminate the source of the contamination that is entering the ground water. Following the treatment, the soils will be monitored to determine the effectiveness of the chemical oxidation treatments.

Ground water monitoring will involve the collection and analysis of ground water samples to track the location and level of PCE contamination. A gradual decline in ground water contamination is expected to occur as a result of the treatment of the soil source area as well as through natural processes. Ground water monitoring will allow EPA to collect data to ascertain that this is occurring. If the monitoring data indicate that contaminant levels are not declining, EPA will consider additional response actions.

Institutional controls (ICs) will also be used to limit exposures to the contamination. The ICs that will be relied upon include the well construction requirements that have been imposed on the area by the state of Missouri, and educational activities to increase public awareness of the presence of the contamination and associated risks.


The ROD and other site-related documents are part of the Administrative Record which is available during regular business hours at the following locations: 

New Haven Regional Library
901 Maupin Avenue
New Haven, Mo.

EPA Region 7
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kan.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Dianna Whitaker
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA Region 7
901 North 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
913-551-7598, Toll-free 1-800-223-0425
E-mail: whitaker.dianna@epa.gov

Site documents, including the OU4 ROD are also available at the Riverfront Site website.

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