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Report on the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines Strategic Planning Workshop

Risk Assessment Forum

EPA is developing guidelines for conducting ecological risk assessments. [Note: EPA published the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines in 1998.] This task is particularly challenging because ecological risks result from exposure of populations, communities, and ecosystems to chemical and non-chemical stressors acting individually or in combination over diverse spatial scales that can include multiple ecosystem types. In view of the complex nature of this subject, and to provide a basis for planning ecological risk assessment guidelines, EPA's Risk Assessment Forum convened a scientific workshop at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Scientists with expertise in ecology and ecological risk assessment from EPA, academia, and other government agencies explored the technical basis for a strategic plan that could be used by the Agency for developing ecological risk assessment guidelines. Topics discussed included: (1) the optimal scientific approach to organizing ecological risk assessments; (2) the scientific feasibility of implementing ecological risk assessment guidelines for a wide range of stress categories and ecosystems; (3) the scientific issues relative to the risk assessment process; and (4) the subject matter and titles that will constitute the ecological risk assessment guidelines bookshelf.

Contact: Risk Assessment Forum Staff, 202-564-6483, or risk.forum@epa.gov

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Note: a complete electronic version of this document that preserves its original appearance (such as in a pdf file format) is not currently available. However, a scanned version is available in image or text format from EPA's National Environmental Publications Information System. Paper copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service.


US EPA. Report on the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines Strategic Planning Workshop. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/630/R-92/002 (NTIS PB93102200), 1992.

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