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Human Health Risk Assessment Colloquium Summary Report

Risk Assessment Forum

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency held a Human Health Risk Assessment Colloquium on October 26 to 28, 2010, in Arlington, Virginia. Approximately 120 risk assessors and risk managers from across the agency convened to develop a plan to advance human health risk assessment at the EPA, focusing on the recommendations presented in three National Research Council (NRC) reports: Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment; Phthalates and Cumulative Risk Assessment: The Tasks Ahead; and Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and A Strategy. Implications of the recommendations were also considered in the context of the Administrator’s priorities relative to children’s health protection and environmental justice. The participants evaluated the recommendations and developed proposed agency actions in breakout group discussions. The recommendations were divided into the following categories for breakout group discussions: uncertainty and variability, unified dose-response assessment and defaults, cumulative risk assessment, and overarching framework for human health risk assessment. Such discussions at the colloquium and subsequently are contributing to the agency’s development of an action plan to advance human health risk assessment at the EPA.

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