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PPG, in partnership with the EPA and PADEP, is entering into this Project XL FPA to (1) pilot the application of the Pollution Prevention Framework (P2 Framework), (2) validate the P2 Framework models and (3) disseminate information about the P2 Framework to other chemical companies and industries. The P2 Framework was developed by the EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS). In the context of this XL Project, PPG will incorporate the P2 Framework into its Gatekeeper process or other similar process (which is early in a product's development cycle.) The P2 Framework will help PPG identify and develop products and processes that can be sustained both environmentally and economically. PPG's application of the P2 Framework to its operations will help develop environmentally preferable products, while saving considerable time and money. PPG believes many other companies can also develop environmentally preferable products by applying OPPT's P2 Framework, especially at the Research and Development (R&D) stage of product development. In return for implementing the P2 Framework, disseminating information about the framework to the industrial and scientific community and validating the P2 Framework models, PPG will receive project flexibility in the form of a shortened pre-manufacture review period for those new chemicals developed under the P2 Framework.

Potential environmental benefits of this Project include:

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