Crompton Corporation (Formerly Witco
Letter from Jesse M. Barnhart
Regulatory Reinvention Pilot Projects
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street. SW
Washington, DC 20460
As a resident of West Virginia who is
supportive of efforts to protect our environment and thus assure a better
world for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, I ask that you
would support the proposal and effort made by OSi Specialties, of Sistersville,
WV to go beyond what is required by your agency to reduce emissions
at their location.
I refer to Project XL, a project that would, if approved, allow OSi
Specialties to achieve a much higher gain in reduced emissions 1,000,000
ppy (400,000 to air/600,000 to wwtu) vs. 85,000 ppy for a nominal increase
in capitol cost. I believe that Project XL is a very sensible approach
to helping us realize our goal of Environment Improvement and Protection
that we all must constantly strive for.
I applaud OSi Specialties and others who, while providing jobs and services
to the community, are working to preserve our environment to the best
of their ability.
I would respectively request that your agency fully study this proposal,
and if found acceptable, that approval would be granted so that this
project could be started as soon as possible.
Jesse M. Barnhart
Rt. 1 Box 430
St. Marys, WV 26170