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Coeur Alaska

Letter from William Boyd to Jon Kessler

Willliam F. Boyd
Corporate Counsel and Secretary


July 24, 1995

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation
505 Front Avenue, P.O. Box I
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316
Telephone 206.667.3511
Facsimile 208.765.2943

Mr. Jon Kessler
Office of Policy
Planning 7 Evaluation
West Tower 1013
401 M Street, S.W.
Mail Code 2111
Washington, D.C.20460

Dear Mr. Kessler,

You will recall that on July 13, 1995, Coeur Alaska, Inc. submitted to you a proposal regarding its Kensington Project and EPA's Project XL.

In connection with that submittal, we desire to supplement EPA's file with the three letters which are enclosed.  The enclosed letters from Klukwan, Inc., Goldbelt and Kake Tribal Corporation, which are Alaska native corporations who are "stakeholders" under the XL Project criteria, support Coeur Alaska's proposal.  Four sets of the letters are included herewith.

Would you please attach these letters to our material previously submitted.  Thank you.

Very truly yours,


William F. Boyd

cc:  Karen Wardzinski

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