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Pennsylvania Electric Company (Pennelec)

Mr. Christopher A, Knopes
Director, Project XL
Emerging Sectors and Strategies Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mail Stop 2129
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460

RE: Genco
Home City XL Projec

Dear Mr. Knopes:

The purpose of this letter is to change the Department's support for the proposed Genco Homer City XL Project from supportive to enthusiastically supportive. At the request of the EPA, on March 20, 1996, this office submitted to Nancy Cichowicz, EPA Region III Project XL Director, the Department's position on this proposed project. The comments were submitted using the Agency's Project XL TECHNICAL REVIEW WORKSHEET.

In our March 20th review, the Department stated that we were supportive of the project and the environmental benerfits it would create. We also suggested that we would more enthusiastically support the project if actual reductions of SO2 emissions occurred. Genco has recently revised their proposal and have indicated that they are willing to achieve an average annual emission rate of 1.95 pounds SO2/MMBTU as opposed to the 2.00 pounds SO2/MMBTU as stated in the initial proposal. This change would reduce actual SO2 emissions at the facility by about 3500 tons per year.

Based on the newly proposed reduction in actual SO2 emissions from the facility, the Department is now in a position to enthusiastically support the proposed Homer City XL Project.

If you have any questions concerning our support for this project, please give me a call at this office.


Joseph P. Pezze
Regional Manager
Air Quality

cc: Vincent J. Brisini
John P. Proctor
Ronald P. Lantzy
James R. Rue
James L. Salvaggio

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