The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
Letter from Felicia Marcus to Barry Wallerstein
21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar CA 91765-4182
(909) 396-2000 - January 22, 1998
Mr. J. Charles Fox, Associate Administrator
U.S. EPA - Mail Code 1801
Office of Reinvention
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460
Dear Mr. Fox:
Enclosed please find the South Coast Air
Quality Management District's proposal for Project XL. We are asking that
Rule 2501 - Air Quality Investment Program (AQIP) and Rule 2503 - Enforceable
Procedures be approved as a pilot project that meets the project criteria
specified in the Federal Register.
Please note that Rule 2501 was adopted in
May 1997 and Rule 2503 was adopted in December 1997 with the implementation
date of January 1, 1998. The SCAQMD has already received proposals to
reduce VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, and PM10) from stationary and mobile sources
for the AQIP. The SCAQMD has also received applications from Regulation
IV and XI sources requesting the use of AQIP emission reductions. Any
delay would negatively impact rule implementation at a time of heightened
interest and momentum.
EPA has for some time encouraged the development
of innovative compliance strategies to achieve enhanced environmental
results while maintaining economic health. In fact, the President's directive
in issuing the new PM2.5 and Ozone standards specifically calls for the
development of an air quality trust fund as one way to implement the new
standards. Rules 2501 and 2503 represent our proposal to answer that challenge.
The SCAQMD is recognized as a leader in developing
market-incentive programs. Our Rule 1501.1 - Alternatives to Worktrip
Reduction Plans was approved by Project XL in 1995. We view alternative
methods of achieving stricter air quality standards as the next step in
regulatory innovation.
We appreciate your positive consideration
of this proposal, and look forward to future cooperative efforts. If you
have any questions regarding our submittal, please contact Elaine Chang,
Director of Planning and Policy at (909) 396-3186.
Barry R. Wallerstein, D. Env.
Acting Executive
The South Coast Air Quality Management
District (SCAQMD) has jurisdiction over the South Coast Air Basin (Basin)
consisting of Orange county and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles,
Riverside, and San Bernadino counties. There are over 25,000 regulated
emission sources within the area. Air quality in the Basin continues
to improve, but still experiences the worst air quality in the nation
due to the region's rapid population growth, as well as the physical
and meteorological setting of the Basin. Most federal standard exceedances
are for ozone, followed by carbon monoxide and PM10. Traditional-style
command and control regulatory programs to achieve clean air have become
increasingly costly and difficult to administer.
In April 1995, the SCAQMD initiated the
Intercredit Trading Study to assess its existing market-based regulatory
programs for potential enhancements. In March 1996, SCAQMD staff presented
recommendations to the agency's Governing Board based on that assessment
of the SCAQMD's trading programs and the ensuing public comments. The
recommendations were to develop a universal trading market for broader
trading of mobile and stationary source emission credits, and to expand
the Air Quality Investment Program (AQIP); the latter concept is based
on creating a pool of pre-verified emission reductions. In order to
achieve health-based air quality standards through an innovative approach
while also maintaining economic health in the Basin, the SCAQMD Governing
Board directed staff to initiate rule development for the Intercredit
Trading Program.
The Intercredit Trading Program is designed
to include two components: an open market trading program and an air
quality investment program. Rule 2501 - Air Quality Investment Program
and Rule 2503 - Enforceable Procedures represent the implementation
of the latter component. The SCAQMD Governing Board adopted Rule 2501
in May 1997. Rule 2501 is designed to complement the existing command
and control regulatory programs by providing, an alternative compliance
option to those sources subject to SCAQMD source-specific rules and
regulations (i.e., Regulations IV and XI). Rule 2501 also implements
Control Measure #97FLX-02: Air Quality Investment Program, in the 1997
Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). Under Rule 2501, Regulations IV
and XI sources that meet the eligibility requirements of the rule, along
with Rule 2202 - On-road Motor Vehicle Mitigation Options sources, may
voluntary elect to participate in the AQIP by submitting a specified
fee. This fee will be used to fund mobile and stationary source projects
that will produce equivalent VOC, NOx, SOx, CO, and/or PM10 emission
reductions that would otherwise be required of the AQIP participants.
Pursuant to Rule 2501, the participation
of Regulation IV and XI sources in the AQIP is allowed upon passage
of a rule specifying enforceable procedures for using AQIP emission
reductions. In December 1997, the SCAQMD Governing Board adopted Rule
2503 - Enforceable Procedures to work hand in hand with Rule 2501. Specifically,
Rule 2503 outlines monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting (MRR) requirements
for Regulation IV and XI sources based on the guidelines set forth in
Rule 2501. Rule 2503 also specifies the quantification methodologies
for determining the amount of emission reductions required.
Environmental Results
The AQIP is designed to achieve greater
environmental benefit than the current command and control regulations.
For example, in the past, for those sources facing compliance difficulties
of either a financial or technical nature, resolution would be sought
either through rule exemption or variances. Under Rule 2501, sources
can participate in the program and thereby achieve equivalent emission
reductions that would otherwise be lost. Furthermore, the Rule 2501
investment fee has a built-in premium charge
(e.g., 10% for small businesses
and 20% for others). The premium collected will be used to fund additional
emission reductions that can be retired to benefit the environment.
In certain cases, the premium will fund projects to advance clean technologies,
or develop emission quantification/monitoring protocols. All these will
have long-term environmental benefits in promoting attainment of clean
air standards.
To ensure that quantifiable environmental
benefits can be achieved, Rule 2501 establishes an Environmental Benefit
Account to retire at least 10% additional emission reductions requested
by the investors. Other provisions in Rule 2501 (such as Retirement
of unused credits after credit expiration dates, and restrictions on
the transferability of overpurchased credits) will all contribute to
the additional emission reductions anticipated from the AQIP.
In summary, Rule 2501 is designed to achieve
both quantitative and qualitative emission reductions or air quality
benefits with a minimum of 10% additional reductions ensured.
Cost Savings and Paperwork Reduction
Implementation of Rule 2501 will result
in significant cost savings and paperwork reduction for regulated sources.
Since Rule 2501 is a voluntary program, sources subject to command and
control regulatory programs will only participate in the AQIP if it's
the more cost-effective compliance option.
In addition, Rule 2501 allows businesses
to temporarily delay compliance which avoids expensive and/or necessary
paperwork in filing variance applications.
Stakeholder Support
SCAQMD staff has solicited and incorporated
extensive input from a large focus group in developing AQIP design and
objectives. The focus group consists of representatives from public
agencies, the regulated community, and environmental groups. SCAQMD
staff has worked intensively with the focus group to resolve outstanding
issues to the degree feasible. A summary of comments and issues related
to both Rule 2501 and Rule 2503 is provided in Attachments C and D.
The AQIP has received broad-based stakeholder
support from the following organizations: California Council for Environmental
and Economic Balance (CCEEB) which is a statewide private, nonprofit,
nonpartisan organization of California business, labor, and public policy,
City of Los Angeles (CLA), Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition
(CIAQC), County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD),
and the Regulatory Flexibility Group (RFG) representing The Walt Disney
Company, Southern California Edison Company, Southern California Gas
Company, Hughes Electronics Corporation, Los Angeles Times, Boeing,
Northrop Grumman Corporation, Shell Oil Company, Texaco, Inc., Chevron,
Tosco, TABC, Inc., TRW, Inc., and Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline Partners.
Innovative/Multi-Media Pollution
The AQIP represents an innovative approach
to address environmental compliance issues, including both technologies
and management practices. It provides compliance flexibility, potential
cost savings to the regulated community, and directly funds clean technologies
to achieve emission reductions at lower costs. In addition, Rule 2501
is designed in such a way that emission reductions are achieved prior
to use to ensure that emission reduction goals are achieved. Furthermore,
projects selected for funding will take into consideration the ability
to achieve concurrent or multiple pollutant emission reductions, consistency
with other local, state, and federal programs, and mitigation of' potential
adverse environmental impacts. These criteria are used to optimize the
development of environmentally beneficial technologies.
Rule 2501 can be characterized as an, SCAQMD-operated
open market trading program. It is intended to "jump start"
the Intercredit Trading Market which SCAQMD is currently developing.
Through the implementation of Rule 2501, credit generation and certification,
credit trading, and credit use can be demonstrated to illustrate real
world demand and supply, market interaction, and regulatory process.
As a result, experience and market confidence can be gained to facilitate
the operation of the pending Intercredit Trading Market.
In addition, the projects funded through
Rule 2501 can be used to demonstrate feasibility of technology, cost
effectiveness, compliance and enforcement. These are critical components
of any environmental rulemaking process, and can be field-demonstrated
and properly documented under Rule 2501. One of the primary objectives
of Rule 2501 is to incentivize the advancement of clean technologies
to the extent that those advances can then become the next generation
of regulatory controls.
Since the AQIP is a voluntary compliance
option, sources subject to command and control regulatory programs will
only participate in the AQIP if it is feasible.
In addition, the implementation of the
AQIP will produce real, quantifiable, surplus, permanent, and enforceable
emission reductions that are quantifiable according to an SCAQMD-approved
Quantification Protocol, and/or produce an air quality benefit through
the advancement and commercialization of clean technologies. These protocols
demonstrate the feasibility of control technologies.
Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation
Rule 2501 outlines a set of criteria for
the monitoring,
reporting, and recordkeeping (MRR) requirements on the development of
emissions quantification protocols and enforceable procedures for AQIP
investors. Furthermore, these protocols or enforceable procedures will
be formally adopted by the SCAQMD Governing Board as District rules.
As a result, the standard rulemaking proceedings will involve all stakeholders
and issues, and intents will be properly documented and clarified with
information readily accessible to the general public. Rule 2503 is an
example of such a rule needed in order to implement Rule 2501. In addition,
the information needed from both the AQIP investors and providers is
clearly specified in Rule 2501 to ensure compliance verification.
Furthermore, as part of Rule 2501 adoption
resolution, the SCAQMD Governing Board directed staff to initiate an
extensive outreach effort to inform and involve the public regarding
the AQIP program. Semiannual and annual reports are also required by
Rule 2501 to document AQIP activity, such as the amount of money collected,
total reductions achieved, types of project funded, investment fees,
and cumulative environmental impacts from credit use.
Shifting of Risk Burden
The implementation of Rule 2501 and Rule
2503 will not subject any segment of the population to unjust or disproportionate
environmental or socioeconomic impacts. On a regional basis, implementation
of Rule 2501 will produce greater emission reductions than otherwise
required under command and control regulations (i.e., through the 10%
built-in environmental benefit). In addition, to prevent localized air
quality impacts, specific requirements are provided in Rule 2501 to
protect the attainment of the NO2 ambient air quality standard. With
respect to localized air toxics impacts, Rule 2501 does not allow the
use of AQIP reductions in lieu of NESHAP requirements. In addition,
consistent with existing SCAQMD air toxics rules and policies, Rule
2501 does not allow a source to participate in AQEP if there are emission
increases or reductions foregone, resulting in air toxics impacts greater
than the specified significance thresholds. These provisions prevent
regulatory compliance flexibility achieved at the cost of uneven public
health protection.
As part of Rule 2501 development, SCAQMD
staff has prepared an Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources
Code Section 21000 et seg)
and state law requirements for Socioeconomic Analysis (Health and Safety
Code Section 40440.8). Pursuant to California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15321 - Enforcement Actions by Regulatory
Agencies, the SCAQMD has determined that Rule 2503 is exempt from CEQA.
Notice of Exemption has been prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines
Section 15062 and filed with
the county clerks of the four counties. Rule 2503 is not expected to
generate additional costs for Regulation IV and XI sources using AQIP
because its requirements are intentionally designed to be consistent
with existing regulations.
Attachments: Rule
2501 - Air Quality Investment Program
Rule 2503 -Enforceable Procedures
Board Letter for Rule 2501
Board Letter for Rule 2503