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The Pacific Marine and Supply Company

The Pacific Marine and Supply Company facility in Honolulu, Hawaii proposes to use the Terra-Vit hazardous waste treatment technology to transform a wide range of hazardous waste streams into chemically durable, inorganic silicate glass products. The project requests relief from RCRA Subtitle C. The demonstration project proposes to proceed without: 1) obtaining a full RCRA Part B permit; 2) being subjected to the land ban testing requirements for each individual batch; and 3) submitting a delisting petition for the glass end-product. Pacific Marine proposes that the glass end-product of the recycling process be deemed nonhazardous and exempt from the land ban testing and related requirements so that they may instead be freely sold and used as commercially-viable products. A letter from the Director of the State of Hawaii Department of Health indicates that Agency's support for this XL project.

Federal Register Notices
Final Project Agreement
Evaluation Documents
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