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Eastman Kodak

EPA regulations require that prospective manufacturers wait 90 days after submitting a pre-manufacture notice (PMN) before beginning manufacture of a new product. Often, EPA completes its review of the PMN after 28 days. Kodak intends to use EPA's pollution prevention framework (P2 framework) in the development of its products to ensure that its products are as environmentally benign as possible. As a result, Kodak expects that EPA will generally complete its review of Kodak's chemicals in 28 days. Kodak therefore proposes that, in cases where EPA's review is completed in 28 days, it be allowed to begin manufacture after 45 days, rather than 90 days. Kodak requests relief from the requirement that it wait 90 days after submission of the PMN before beginning manufacture of new chemicals. Kodak has a web site and a regular neighborhood newsletter which it plans to use to solicit community involvement in the project.

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