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Letter from PACE to EPA

People Against Contaminated Environments P.A.C.E.
P.O. Box 814
Corpus Christi, TX 78403 September 9, 1995

Mr. Jon Kessler
XL Director
Office of Policy Analysis
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M. Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460

RE: Citgo proposal for Continuous Parametric Emission Monitoring (CPEM) and/or Centralized Multi-Point Instrument Analysis Monitoring Method letter dated August 8, 1995.

Dear Mr. Kessler:

In Corpus Christi, Texas, we are impacted by emissions from fired sources and combustion pollutants from a massive industrial complex of refineries that extend right up to citizens' back doors. Citgo is a major contributor of these emissions and combustion pollutants.

Corpus Christi/Nueces County is near non attainment. We have recorded three ozone violations in the past two years, two most recently on an air monitoring station nearest the industrial complex. If this monitoring station records one more violation before September, 1996, we will be at risk of losing our attainment.

Mr. Kessler, People Against Contaminated Environments (PACE) is a non-profit grass-roots environmental organization of concerned citizens made up of people that live on "Refinery Row" near the refineries. We petition that you delay Citgo's proposal for Continuous Parametric Emission Monitoring (CPEM) and/or Centralized Multi-point Instrument Analysis Monitoring Methods until a later date. 1 . We have concerns about just what Citgo wants.
2. Their method may not be best for the community.
3. The need for some Continuous instrumented Emission Monitoring (CEM) approach needs to be addressed.
4. Corpus Christi/Nueces County at risk of non attainment status.

Thank you for your consideration, and we would appreciate it if you would notify us if our petition is accepted. Please contact us in writing at (PACE), P.O. Box 814, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78403.


Bill Green
Regional Executive Director of PACE

cc: Carol Browner, E.P.A. Administrator.
Jane Saginau, Regional E.P.A. Director
Dan Pearson, Executive Director (TNRCC)
Charlie Spiekerman, Regional Air Program Manager (TNRCC)
Dr. Neil Carman, Clean Air Director, Sierra Club
M .A. Lechtenberger, Vice President, Citgo Refinery

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