3M: Hutchinson, Minnesota
3M: Letter from John Bauman to David Gardiner, et al.
Mr. David Gardiner Mr. Peder Larson
Assistant Administrator Commissioner
Environmental Protection Agency Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
401 M Street, NW 520 Lafayette Rd. N.
Washington, D.C. 20460 St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Mr. Fred J. Hansen Mr. David Ullrich
Deputy Administrator Deputy Regional Administrator
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, S.W. 77 West Jackson Boulevard
Washington, D.C. 20460 Chicago, IL 60604-3590
Peder Larson, Commissioner of the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, has
shared with us David Gardiner's letter of August 29, 1996, regarding the
XL activities at 3M Hutchinson. I sincerely appreciate your efforts and
efforts of your staffs at EAP and MPCA to clarify EPA's position with
to the XL permit for Hutchinson. Business considerations now lead us to
conclude that we must move forward immediately with efforts to obtain
traditional permits and to shelve the Project XL experiment at 3M Hutchinson.
Our decision is dictated by operational and timing considerations to maintain
continuity that is necessary as new processes and products are brought
into this
facility, several permits are necessary in the near future. We simply
must begin
work on this permitting efforts to ensure that we get these new products
processes into the facility to meet our commitments to our customers,
to our
employees, and to the Hutchinson community. To this end, 3M has already
received one permit for a new process at Hutchinson and my staff has met
week with members of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to begin the
process on several additional permits.
It is important to 3M that there is complete understanding among us. I
that 3M's decision retionale, as based on our investment, experience and
business needs, would greatly benefit the evolving development of the
program. Therefore, I extend to each of you an invitation to meet Jim
(Hutchinson Site Manager) and me at the 3M Hutchinson facility to that
we may
show and describe to you in greater detail the considerations that went
into this
decision. David Wefring of my staff will be contracting you to determine
availability for such a meeting.
3M continues to believe and is supportive of efforts to work toward the
development of a new environmental paradigm for the 21st century. We need
to continue to look for a bridge that will lead us toward meeting our
environmental goals while maintaining a vigorous economy. We value our
positive relationship with both EPA and the MPCA on such efforts and look
forward to participation with you in future initiatives.
Very truly yours,
cc: Jim Bauman, 3M Hutchinson - 01/082