3M: Bedford, Illinois
3M: Letter From Kanerva to Zosel
State of Illinois
2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, IL 62794-9276
Mary A. Gade, Director
July 6, 1995
Tom Zosel, Manager
Pollution Prevention Programs
3M Company
P.O. Box 33331
St. Paul, MN 55133-3331
Dear Mr. Zosel:
This letter confirms our commitment to participate with 3M in an XL project in Illinois.
Our understanding is that 3M's project will involve beyond compliance permits at the
manufacturing facility in Bedford Park. In view of our previous cooperative efforts at
this facility, we agree that this site offers an excellent opportunity for such a project.
We are glad that 3M is taking this initiative and thereby helping to improve our delivery
mechanisms for environmental protection. Please let us know when your proposal gets
submitted so we may be moving ahead at our end.
Roger A. Kanerva
Environmental Policy Advisor