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Project XL Logo

Merck & Co., Inc.

Meeting Materials

Agenda for Merck Project XL Meeting
10:00 - 12:00 PM
Thursday May 23rd, 1996


The primary purpose of this meeting is to update representatives of the environmental and environmental justice NGO community on the Merck Project XL project. A secondary goal is to increase and improve communication between the NGO community, the project proponents and the EPA about Project XL.

This meeting is an outgrowth of a meeting between David Gardiner of EPA and the NGO community on April 18th. It is intended to be part of an ongoing process to inform the national NGO community about the specifics of XL projects as they move towards completion and the signing of a Final Project Agreement between the EPA, the project proponent and other coregulators (i.e. state or tribal governments).


10:00 - 10:15 AM Introduction of all participants
Introductory comments by David Gardiner

10:15 - 10:45 Summary presentation of the Merck project by Merck staff

10:45 - 12:00 Facilitated Q&A and discussion

Groundrules and Assumptions:

· This meeting is informational in nature. It is intended to allow the project proponent to update the NGO community on the current status of the project.

· After the meeting, follow-up questions and/or concerns by the NGO community about the specifics of the XL project should be communicated directly to the project proponent, the co-regulator, the local stakeholders, or to the EPA regional staff lead for the project - several of whom will be at the meeting. This process follows the spirit of XL in that it is intended to be a pilot project designed to test the efficacy of site-specific approaches to environmental management and regulation.


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