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Eastman Chemical

Letter from Wayne Scharber to Jon Kessler

L & C Tower, 21st Floor
401 Church Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243

March 15, 1996

Mr. Jon Kessler
Director, Emerging Sectors and Strategies Division
Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW
Mail Code 2129
Washington, DC 20460

Subject: Project XL Application

Dear Mr. Kessler:

I have received a copy of the letter from Harry Holliman, Eastman Chemical Company regarding the above. Staff of this department and I have met with Eastman Chemical Company officials and have discussed the potential Project XL. I want to assure you that we are favorably impressed with the ideas and the benefits to be derived as we understand the project at this time.

I share this letter with you to encourage you to look favorably at their request and hope that you and other EPA officials can see this as an opportunity to implement a new concept to fulfill and meet environmental regulations in a common-sense and cost-effective way. I do not believe this project will compromise the quality of the environment as Eastman also is not wanting to compromise the environment. They, in my opinion, are wanting to demonstrate a way of meeting the intent of regulations without having to follow a regimented process which is not cost-effective.

I have discussed their concept and plan with Commissioner Don Dills and he fully supports me asking that you look with favor and allow this project to move forward and not hold it because of some "pending enforcement matter". We support Eastman's request to hold the CACO in abeyance while the proposed Project XL develops. This will allow them to meet the environmental regulations in an alternative common-sense and more cost-effective way and pose no harm to human health and the environment. During our discussion with Eastman officials, we did include Region 4 EPA officials. If we need to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (615) 532-0220.


Wayne K. Scharber
Deputy Commissioner for Environment

cc: Harry H. Holliman
John Fogarty
Bill Patton
John Hankinson
Don Dills


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