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Lucent Technologies

Letter EPA to Lucent


841 Chestnut Building
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-4431

Customer Service Hotline: 1-800-438-2474

Ms. Debra S. Hennelly
Lucent Technologies - Law
131 Morristown Road
Room B-2180
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

  Dear Debbie:

Here are my suggestions for what I feel will be a productive meeting on Friday in Allentown.

Per your suggestion it will only involve the Allentown plant and focus on the demo relation to water.

I suggest we start at 9:00 A.M.. and plan to end about 3:30.

Recommend Agenda
1. Detailed discussions of the results of the aspects evaluation by Lucent representatives:
I think it should include:

2. Ideas for actions which would result in significant environmental improvement. 3. Discuss schedule and content of subsequent meetings 4. Summary of Discussions and Action lead by Lucent

Let me know if you have any questions on these suggestions.

Alvin R. Morris, Director

Water Protection Division

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