Merck & Co., Inc.
Letter from W. Michael McCabe to David Carr
January 16, 1997
Mr. David W. Carr, Jr.
Staff Attorney
Southern Environmental Law Center
201 West Main Street, Suite 14
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-5065
Dear Mr. Carr:
Thank you for your December 18, 1996 letter to Administrator Carol
Browner and Mr. Richard D. Wilson regarding the Merck XL project.
We understand that you have concerns about the stakeholder process
for the future evaluation of Merck's Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) permit and, in particular, believe that consent from a public
interest group should be required before any permit changes are proposed.
The participation of parties that have a stake in the environmental
impacts of a project is a key element of Project XL. As you know,
the draft PSD permit currently provides a five-year periodic review
process whereby changes to the permit can be recommended to the permitting
authority upon full consent of the project signatories (i.e., U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Merck, Virginia Department
of Environmental Quality, U.S. Department of the Interior, and the
Rockingham County Board of Supervisors). The draft permit also provides
that additional stakeholders, including three community representatives
and a regional public interest group, will participate in the five-year
reviews but their consent is not required for permit changes. It should
be noted that the signatories' full consent on a permit change serves
to recommend that the permitting authority propose a permit modification
according to the public participation procedures that would be established
in EPA's site-specific rulemaking. Thus, the public will have a formal
opportunity to comment on proposed permit changes. The permitting
authority must consider any public comments prior to issuing a revised
As I mentioned in our recent telephone conversation, EPA plans to
promulgate the proposed site-specific rulemaking for the Merck XL
project near the end of January 1997. EPA plans to include the draft
permit, containing the provisions described above, in the docket for
public review during the comment period for the proposed rulemaking.
EPA will include your December 18, 1996 letter in the docket and welcomes
any further comments you may have on this issue during the public
comment period for the rulemaking. We will thoroughly evaluate any
public comments on this and all issues prior to making decisions about
the provisions of the final rule.
I appreciate your contributions to the development of the Merck XL
project. Please call me at (215) 566-2900 if you would like to discuss
this matter further.
W. Michael McCabe
Regional Administrator
cc: Merck XL Stakeholders