Factors Considered in Choosing a 6 Phase, 4 Phase, or Low Risk Process
In reviewing pesticides for reregistration, EPA tailored the level of review to initial estimates of risk, extent of use, complexity of issues, and degree of public concern associated with each pesticide. The Agency considered the following factors in deciding whether to review a pesticide using the 6 phase, 4 phase, or low risk process.
Full 6 Phase Process
-- was appropriate for pesticides with
- less refined risk assessments initially
- risk mitigation potentially needed
- many uses
- many users
- many complex issues
- diverse stakeholder interests
- and/or other factors
Modified 4 Phase Process
-- was appropriate for pesticides with
- highly refined risk assessments initially
- some risk mitigation likely to be needed
- a limited number of uses
- a small number of users
- few complex issues
- few interested stakeholders
- and/or other factors
Streamlined Low Risk Process
-- was appropriate for pesticides
- posing few or no risk concerns
- requiring little or no risk mitigation
- with low use/usage
- raising no complex issues or public concerns
- and/or affecting few if any stakeholders or members of the public