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OPP Regulatory Update

Goal Rule Purpose Description Status Next Steps Target Dates
Enhanced Protections Revisions to Agricultural Worker Protection Standards &
Certification of Pesticide Applicators Standards
Improve worker protection and enhance applicator competency by updating requirements established in

Focus on health risk reduction, program improvements and efficiencies Conducting Small Business Consultation under SBREFA 1. Agency decision making
2. Intra and Inter-Agency reviews
Proposal 2010
  Determination of Status of Prions as Pests Protect public health by ensuring products that claim to inactivate prions are registered as pesticides. Specify in the regulations that prions are a pest Developing draft rule and guidance on efficacy test method for registration. 1. April 2009 SAP review
2. Intra and Inter-Agency reviews
Proposal end of 2009
  Reconsideration of 25(b) Exemption for insect repellents Protect public health by ensuring efficacious insect repellents Efficacy data requirements for skin-applied insect repellents Developing options and cost analyses 1. Small Business Consultation? Proposal 2010
Improved Data and Science Part 158W Antimicrobial data requirements Revise and update data requirements to be specific to antimicrobials Data requirements:
- human health
- environmental
- down-the-drain
- use of structure activity relationship (SAR) information
Proposed rule 1. Public Comment thru 1/3/2009
2. Stakeholder workshop 11/6/2008
Final Rule 2010


Plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs) data requirements Establish data requirements for PIPs. Data requirements: human health environmental product characterization Developing proposed rule and preparing for SAP review on related science issues. 1. Agency decision making

2. Intra and Inter-Agency reviews
Proposal Late 2009
  Preliminary stage:
Next Generation Part 158 revisions
Improve testing of developing organism (repro/endocrine, neural, immuno, thyroid) and allow more efficient animal use. Update data requirements. Replace 2-generation reproductive toxicity study with extended F1
1-gen reproductive toxicity study
Preparing for SAP review 1. Develop draft proposed rule

2. Agency decision making
Proposal 2010


Preliminary stage:
Product Performance data requirements
Establish efficacy data requirements for invertebrates Invertebrate efficacy data requirements by use and pest Developing options 1. Agency decision making
Proposal 2010
Operational Improvements Crop Grouping Rules – second in a series of rules Allow tolerances for related commodities based on representative ones. Revise existing and create new crop groups. Developing proposal Agency review Proposal Spring 2009


Revisions to Pesticide Container/Containment Rule Amend Pesticide Management and Disposal; Standards for Pesticide Containers and Containment regulations 1- year extension for labeling compliance; change “sold or distributed” to “released for shipment”; exceptions for some nonrefillable packages; waivers of certain label requirements for other refillable and nonrefillable containers; and correct errors.  Agency review Publication Final Rule
Nov 1, 2008


40 CFR Parts 150 – 180 Technical Amendments Administrative changes to increase accuracy and update pesticide regulations.  No substantive changes. correct errors and cross-references, improve presentation and  format, and align the regulations to current CFR practice Agency review Publication Final Rule
Fall 2008


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