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Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Process Improvement Workgroup

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For more information contact Pete Caulkins (caulkins.peter@epa.gov).


The workgroup provides advice to the Agency on improvements to increase the efficiency of the registration and registration review processes and to meet statutory due dates under the Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act.


The Pesticide Registration Improvement Act created Section 33 of FIFRA and established a pesticide registration fee system, among other requirements.  Section 33(e) of FIFRA directs EPA to identify and evaluate reforms to the pesticide registration process with the goal of reducing decision review times for pesticide registration applications.  Section 33(k) directs the Agency to report its recommendations for process improvements in the handling of and streamlining registration review.  The PRIA Process Improvement Workgroup was created in FY 2004 at the suggestion and under the auspices of the Agency’s Federal Advisory Committee, the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee, to evaluate process improvements in EPA’s pesticides program. The workgroup is composed of members from pesticide registrant companies, pesticide trade associations, public interest groups, and Agency staff. Meetings are open to the public and are held approximately twice a year. Reports of the PPDC PRIA Process Improvement Workgroup Meetings are posted on the internet.

During meetings, industry stakeholders and Agency staff identify areas for improvement in the registration and registration review process, including labeling consistency, communication of schedules, use of electronic tools, application and submission guidance, and efficiencies in product reregistration and registration review. Stakeholders present their priorities for process improvement and the Agency discusses the status of its improvement projects; previews new tools and proposed changes in procedures and processes; presents analyses of specific processes; and reports on its successes. Future projects and efforts are identified through a dialogue between the Agency and stakeholders.




Archived Meetings

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