PPDC AZM Transition Issues Workgroup May 8th Conference Call Summary Notes
Call participants: Phil Korson, Carol Dansereau, Michael Fry, Andrew Beyak, Hang Tang, Stephen Goodacre, Andrea Martin, Barbara VanTil, Robin Spitko, Mike Shaw, Ann Pingitore, Scott Rollins, Lori Berger, Janis McFarland, Bob McClain, Michelle Schultz, Dan Sonke, Shelley Davis, Adam Sharp, Mike Willett, Larry Olsen, Pat Cimino, Steve Jarboe, Rick Keigwin, Steve Smearman, Meredith Laws, Skee Jones, Al Jennings, Linda Murray, Katie Hall
Rick Keigwin welcomed everyone to the call. He said that what needed to be accomplished during the call was to determine what the workgroup would present to the full PPDC the next day. He said the group should provide PPDC with some general information on why the group was started, how it was started, and the membership of the workgroup. Rick Keigwin mentioned that Jim Jones, the Office Director of OPP at the time, determined that the workgroup would be formed. OPP then sent out an email soliciting membership for the group.
Rick Keigwin suggested that the group give an overview of the AZM decision to provide context for the existence of the workgroup. He said the group could discuss what the workgroup is and is not about. It is not about revisiting or discussing rationale for the AZM decision, nor is the purpose of the group to talk about litigation. The workgroup’s purpose is to talk about how to implement the decision. Some of the items they could present include:
- a brief overview of the decision and phase-out timelines;
- the mitigation in process of being put into place;
- the group’s mission statement;
- membership;
- the charge to the group;
- the outcomes of its first meeting in March, such as the MRL matricies and the development of case studies, and why the group thought the case studies might help the workgroup move forward.
Rick Keigwin mentioned that the case studies were started to help flush out the current state of alternative management tools and what needs to be done to transition away from AZM. Washington apples and Ohio parsley are the first two case studies being worked on. Rick Keigwin mentioned that some workgroup members had asked whether transition strategies were required of each commodity. Rick said that they are not required for each commodity, but mentioned that the co-chairs will help to facilitate any other group that wants to do one.
Lori Berger said that the case studies are examples of transition strategies, and that commodities are different in different locations. She said that each case study commodity should say why they were selected for a case study, and note that other cases would be different. Rick Keigwin said that the case studies are not ready to be presented to the full PPDC at this point because the workgroup is still studying them and collecting comments. The groups working on the case studies need more time to go through comments.
Lori Berger mentioned that the concept of a definition of alternative was discussed at meeting in March. She asked if it would be raised at the PPDC this week. Janis McFarland said that the group has some alternative information from the original matrix. The group should consider all pest needs when defining alternatives – not all alternatives are equal to each of the pests. She said that this group could do good work to encourage transitions for other chemicals. She said that the group needs to do more “homework” on the alternatives for transparency.
Carol Dansereau said that the potential health and environmental effects should be considered when defining alternatives. Rick Keigwin said that the possible addition of human health and environmental affects to the matricies needs to be decided upon by the group still, and that the group will talk about the additions at another meeting.
Janis McFarland said that according to her research in the DOANE database, all of the AZM applications in 2006 were not targeted to one pest. For example, there is more than one pest that affects apples. She said that the group should think about the entire pest spectrum, not just specific pests. Al Jennings and Michael Fry asked for DOANE average data by pest and by crop. Janis McFarland said that AZM shows up on a variety of crops. She will work to distribute the usage information to the workgroup according to their agreement with DOANE.
Rick Keigwin asked if there were any thoughts on ideas for presentation tomorrow. The presentation would last for 10-20 minutes, and there would be time for questions. The presentation is scheduled for 3:15-3:45 in afternoon.
Robin Spitko said that she thinks the stated plan is a good plan. She agreed that the group should not go into specifics of case studies. Janis McFarland also agreed that the plan was good. Rick Keigwin said that he and Al Jennings did not think the group was ready to bring specifics to the PPDC, but that they hope to be able to do so in the future.
Rick Keigwin said that he doesn’t know if there would be telephone access for meeting tomorrow, but if there is, EPA will distribute the call-in information. Larry Olsen, Adam Sharp, and Mike Willett joined the call.
Mike Willett said that he and Jay Brunner put together a statement on the Washington apple case study for the presentation on May 9. Adam Sharp said that Ohio parsley would also contribute a piece.
Rick Keigwin noted that Linda Murray had only received a couple of comments on the matricies, and that the comments received had mostly come in from registrants regarding their products. Linda Murray will compile them and recirculate them to the group. Linda Murray said that the matrix will include any and all alternate pest management tools, including newly registered products. The matrix will also have a place for efficacy considerations, positive attributes, and negative attributes. The group needs to keep in mind that what works in one area may not work in another area. Linda Murray asked that the group comment on any of the matrix topics, and to fill in any regulatory blanks of the alternative pest management tools. Some commenters have suggested adding more fields to the matrix. The group will discuss whether or not additional areas will be included. Shelley Davis came into the meeting.
Robin Spitko asked if Linda Murray would list all of the information that comes in. Linda said that for now we want to be as comprehensive as possible, and will list all chemical alternatives, practices, etc., and include notations indicating efficacy, if submitted, to document the transition process. She said that this would be a place where everything that has been tried or thought of is documented, so that we have evidence of what has been submitted or tried. Al Jennings asked when the matrix would go out. He would like a revised update as soon as possible.
Shelley Davis said that she and Carol Dansereau commented on the need to include long-term health effects of the other pesticides in the matricies. Rick Keigwin said the group would benefit from full workgroup discussion on this issue, and that it would be beneficial to have that discussion soon. He would like everyone to see the comments and have and have an opportunity to address them.
Mike Willett said that he and Jay Brunner had not received many comments on their case study yet. Linda Murray said that Mike Willett, Jay Brunner, and Shelley Davis will work on next iteration of case study. Adam Sharp, Jeff Zellers, and Barbara VanTil will work on next iteration of parsley case study. Mike Willett said that between now and the end of the growing season is very busy. Jay Brunner is especially busy. He said that it would be better to wait until after the growing season to have substantive discussions.
Carol Dansereau asked Mike Willett to clarify for the group what had happened recently with the Washington state legislature providing Guthion transition money. Mike Willett said that the state of Washington budgeted $550,000 in support of educational programs and grower efforts to transition away from AZM for control of coddling moth. As he understood, they would receive the money sometime after the beginning of the state fiscal year.
Al Jennings asked if anyone on the workgroup wanted to present at the PPDC the next day. Rick Keigwin said that he and Al Jennings would give the presentation. Adam Sharp said that he would not be there, but that he was working on talking points for Barbara VanTil and Linda Murray.
Rick Keigwin said that the draft minutes of the last meeting would be posted after final review. He said that EPA would send notes from today’s meeting and feedback from the PPDC soon. Rick Keigwin said that they would work with the workgroup on planning next steps, and that the next workgroup meeting would probably be in the fall.