AZM Transition Update
EPA and USDA continue to work together and co-lead a workgroup on AZM transition issues under the auspices of the EPA Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC). The objectives and goals of this PPDC AZM Transition Issues Workgroup include:
- Identifying a framework for reasonable transition towards lower risk strategies, taking into account grower concerns over economic, trade and regulatory barriers to adoption of alternatives;
- Identifying ways to improve understanding of the critical grower needs and perspectives of all stakeholders regarding the transition;
- Identifying programs/mechanisms to provide reduced-risk pest management strategies and techniques to growers – including chemical and non-chemical alternatives to AZM;
- Recommending ways to assist growers in their good faith efforts as they try AZM alternatives and feasible, cost-effective techniques;
- Fostering transparency and public participation in decision-making; and,
- Providing process recommendations to ensure that AZM transition progress is tracked and assessed and reported back to the PPDC.
Accomplishments Since October 2007
- Worked with several stakeholder groups in the development of draft AZM transition strategies for Washington apples and Michigan blueberries, and a Pest Management Strategic Plan for Ohio parsley.
- Met with representatives of the California tree nut industry and Michigan fruit crops industries to discuss progress and issues arising during their respective transitions.
- Received draft transition strategies for Washington apples, Michigan blueberries, and one for tart cherries. Also received a Parsley Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) for Ohio. All of these documents are available via the Web site
- Initiated a NAFTA project with Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to coordinate North American regulatory activities pertaining to the AZM transition.
- Initiated development of regulatory tracking matrices corresponding to those transition strategies received (WA apples, MI blueberries, tart cherries). These matrices are being used as tools in EPA’s international harmonization efforts/activities.
- Initiated development of an AZM regional usage trends tracking report.
- Coordinated presentations made to the PPDC AZM Transition Issues Workgroup on progress toward developing satisfactory alternative IPM systems aimed at implementing ‘on-farm’ AZM alternatives for cherry production, as well as preliminary 2008 results from the RAMP II Cherry Project (18 orchards, OP alternatives versus AZM). Progress towards international MRLs for AZM alternatives for the Pacific Northwest export markets was also presented to the Workgroup.
Alternative | Crops | Registration Date |
Acetamiprid |
Blueberry |
January 2008 |
Malathion |
Parsley |
January 2008 |
Methoxyfenozide |
Blueberry |
March 2008 |
Chlorantraniliprole* |
Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit |
April 2008 |
Flubendiamide |
Stone Fruit |
August 2008 |
*Chlorantraniliprole was the subject of a global review involving the European Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. In addition, this compound is scheduled for review by the JMPR in 2008.
Alternative | Crops | Anticipated Decision Date |
Indoxacarb |
Bushberry |
Third Quarter 2009 |
Alternative | Crops | Anticipated Submission Date |
Novaluron |
Blueberry, Stone Fruit |
Fall 2008 |
Chlorantraniliprole |
Blueberry |
Field trials have begun |