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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Cloransulam-methyl (Pc Code 129116)

September 12, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
New Chemical Screen for Cloransulam-Methyl Technical/First
Rate Herbicide Environmental Fate Data.

October 6, 1995. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of a data package for a new chemical screen for
Cloransulam-methyl (129116 N-(2-carboxymethyl-6-chlorophenyl

October 25, 1995. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Charles Lewis. Occupational & Residential Exposure Bran.
Exposure Assessment - Use of Cloransulam-methyl on Soybeans.

December 13, 1995. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Richard Griffin. Risk Characterization & Analysis Branch.
New Chemical Screen for Cloransulam-Methyl (XDE-565)
TECHNICAL. Toxicology & Chemistry Data Requirements.

July 9, 1996. DER. 10 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. EFGWB/EFED/OPP.
Aqueous photolysis of XDE-565. Laboratory Study ID
MRID No. 437154-02.
Registration Data information removed from pages 5-10.

July 11, 1996. DER. 11 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. EFGWB/EFED/OPP.
Photodegradation of DE-565 (cloransulam-methyl) on soil.
Laboratory Study ID ENV92003.
MRID No. 437600-01.
Registration Data information removed from pages 6-11.

July 11, 1996. DER. 11 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. EFGWB/EFED/OPP.
The anaerobic aqueous metabolism of XDE-565. Laboratory
Study ID ENV9110.
MRID No. 437154-03.
Registration Data information removed from pages 5-11.

August 11, 1996. DER. 19 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. EFGWB/EFED/OPP.
Amended report for terrestrial field dissipation of
cloransulam-methyl. Laboratory Study ID ENV93031.
MRID No. 437160-02.
Registration Data information removed from pages 7-19.

August 29, 1996. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Joel Garbus. Chemistry Branch Tolerance Support.
PP No. 5F4560: New Chemical: Chloransulam-methyl EPA Reg.
No. 63719-ETU, Chemical No. 129116 in/on Soybean Rac's.
Evaluation of Analytical Methods and Residue Data. Case No.
MRID Nos. 436689-01 thru 04 & 436689-19 thru 32.

April 28, 1997. Memorandum. 74 Page(s).
Nelson Thurman. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
Registration: NC Food/Feed Use; Environmental Fate Data;
Cloransulam-Methyl (XDE 565) ...
MRID Nos. 437154-02 & 03, 437160-02 & 437600-01.
Registration Data information removed from pages 28-33,
39-44, 49-55 & 62-74.

August 8, 1997. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Dan Rieder. Environmental Risk Branch III.
Secton 3 Registration for Chloransulam-methyl on Soybean.

August 28, 1997. Memorandum. 21 Page(s).
Brenda Tarplee. Health Effects Division.
ID# 5F4560. Permanent Tolerance request for the Use of the
New Chemical: Cloransulam-methyl in/on Soybean, Seed at
0.02 PPM, in/on Soybean, Forage at 0.1 PPM and in/on Soybean
Hay at 0.2 PPM
Attached: Tolerance Assessment System (TAS) report.

October 23, 1997. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Brenda Tarplee. Registration Action Branch I.
ID #062719-ETL. Cloranzulam-methyl. PC Code 129116.
Amended Registration for Cloransulam-methyl on Soybeans.
MRID No. 44046601.

December 14, 1998. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Philip Errico. Herbicide Branch.
Cloransulam-Methyl Amended Registration for EPA Reg.
62719-275. Addition of Post-Emergence Appllicaton Rate Up
To 0.06 oz formulaton/A (0.5 oz ai/A).
MRID Nos. 436689-30 & 446322-01.

March 11, 1999. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
E. Laurence Libelo. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
Review of Interim Summary of a Cloransulam-methyl Aerobic
Degradation Study in Soils Collected from the Iowa
Flufanacet (FOE-5043) Perspective Groundwater Study Site.

March 12, 1999. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
E. Laurence Libelo. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
Review of Interim Summary of a Cloransulam-methyl (EPA
Registration Number 62719-275) Aerobic Degradation Study in
Soils Collected from the Indiana Flumetasulam Prospective
Groundwater Study Site.

March 24, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Karl Bullock. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of DE-565 Acid Exposed
Bluegreen Alga, Anabaena flos-aquae.
MRID No. 447445-11.

March 26, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Bluegreen Alga, Anabaena flos-aquae.
MRID No. 447445-01.

March 30, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Effect of Three Soil Metabolites of Cloransulam-methyl on
the Emergence and Vegetative Vigor of Non-Target Terrestrial
Plants (Tier I/II).
MRID No. 447445-16.

March 30, 1999. DER. 20 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Effect of Three Soil Metabolites of Cloransulam-methyl on
the Emergence and Vegetative Vigor of Non-Target Terrestrial
Plants (Tier I/II).
MRID No. 447445-16.

March 30, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Aquatic Plant, Duckweed, Lemna gibba L. G-3.
MRID No. 447445-05.

March 30, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Freshwater Green Alga,Selenastrum Capricornutum
MRID No. 447445-04.

March 30, 1999. DER. 6 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Saltwater Diatom, Skeletonema costatum.
MRID No. 447445-03.

March 30, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Freshwater Diatom, Navicula pelliculosa.
MRID No. 447445-02.

April 2, 1999. DER. 8 Page(s).
Max Feken. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Aquatic Plant, Duckweed, Lemna gibba L. G-3.
MRID No. 447445-10.

April 2, 1999. DER. 8 Page(s).
Max Feken. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Freshwater Green Alga, Selenastrum capricornutum
MRID No. 447445-09.

April 2, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Max Feken. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Saltwater Diatom, Skeletonema costatum.
MRID No. 447445-08.

April 2, 1999. DER. 8 Page(s).
Max Feken. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Freshwater Diatom, Navicula pelliculosa.
MRID No. 447445-07.

April 2, 1999. DER. 10 Page(s).
Max Feken. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of 5-Hydroxy-DE-565 Acid
Exposed Bluegreen Alga, Anabaena flos-aquae.
MRID No. 447445-06.

April 5, 1999. DER. 7 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of DE-565 Acid Exposed Aquatic
Plant, Duckweed, Lemna gibba L. G-3.
MRID No. 447445-15.

April 5, 1999. DER. 8 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
XDE-565 Acid: The Toxicity to the Green Alga, Selenastrum
capricornutum Printz.
MRID NO. 447445-14.

April 5, 1999. DER. 6 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of DE-565 Acid Exposed
Saltwater Diatom, Skeletonema costatum.
MRID No. 447445-13.

April 5, 1999. DER. 6 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of DE-565 Acid Exposed
Freshwater Diatom, Navisula pelliculosa.
MRID No. 447445-12.

April 6, 1999. DER. 9 Page(s).
Mark Mossler. Toxicology Branch.
Phytotoxicological Evaluation of XDE-565 (NAF-75
Formulation) with a Freshwater Green Algae, Selenastrum
MRID No. 447445-17.

April 16, 1999. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
N.E. Federoff. Environmental Risk Branch.
Cloransulam-methyl: Results of submitted phytotoxicity
studies as condition of registration and surface water
advisory statement waiver.
MRID Nos. 447445-01 thru 17.

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