Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for Sulfentrazone (Pc Code 129081)
September 24, 1991. Review. 3 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Freshwater fish 96-hour Acute Toxicity.
A 96-hour flow-through acute toxicity test with the
rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.
MRID 419116-20.
September 24, 1991. Review. 2 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Avian Single-Dose Oral LD50
An acute oral toxcity study with the Northern bobwhite.
MRID 419116-17.
September 24, 1991. Review. 3 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Freshwater Invertebrate 48-hour Acute Toxicity
A 48-hour flow-through acuty toxicity test with the
cladoceran Daphnia magna.
MRID 419116-22.
September 30, 1991. Review. 5 Pages.
Evironmental Effects. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
EEB Chemical Profile.
October 8, 1991. Review. 3 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Avian Dietary LC50. A dietary LC50 study with the
northern bobwhite.
MRID 419116-18.
October 8, 1991. Review. 3 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Avian Dietary LC50. A dietary LC50 study with the mallard.
MRID 419116-19.
October 8, 1991. Review. 4 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Environmental Effects Branch.
Freshwater Fish 96-hour Acute Toxicity
Test Species: Bluegill sunfish
MRID 419116-21.
October 9, 1991. Review. 8 Pages.
Douglas Urban. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
FMC Coprporation is applying for an Experimental use permit
to evaluate F6285 4F Herbicide for control of grasses and
broadleaf weeds on soybeans.
October 22, 1991. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Request for EUP
Herbicide for control of grass and broadleaf weeds.
October 28, 1991. Memorandum. 113 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Ecological Effects Branch.
279-EUP-REO. Request for EUP
Pages 17-33, 40-70, 74-100, 105-113 removed, registrant data
MRID 419116-04, 419282-02, 419282-03.
February 18, 1992. Memorandum. 30 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
diflurolmethyl-2, 4-dihydro-5
Acute oral toxicity study- Rats
MRID 419116-05
Tox Review 009263.
September 4, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Ray Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Request for a waiver of an acute inhalation toxicity study
on the use of FMC 97285.
Inert ingredient information has been removed from page 2.
Tox Review 009823.
December 21, 1992. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Review of EUP for F6285 Herbicide
Page 7 removed, Registration Data.
March 14, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Review of a New Aerobic Soil Metabolism in Support of EUP
for F6285 4F Herbicide (Methanesulfonamide)
MRID 419282-02, 419282-03, 429321-17, 419116-04.
April 25, 1994. Memorandum. 38 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone in/on soybeans. Evaluation of residue data
and analytical methods for a temporary tolerance.
Page 30 removed, registration data. Pages 32-38 removed,
manufacturing process & quality control procedure info.
MRID 419116-01, -02, -03 and 429321-07 to -16.
June 6, 1994. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
June 1, 1994 meeting with FMC concerning sulfentrazone
in soybeans.
August 15, 1994. Memorandum. 194 Pages.
Susan Makris. Toxicology Branch.
F6285 Herbicide- Experimental Use Permit
Pages 31-52, 72-95, 109-119 removed, registrant data.
MRIDs 429321-02 thru -06, 430046-01 thru -05.
Tox Review 011176.
August 29, 1994. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone- Review of 6/1/94 meeting with FMC.
September 1, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
New chemical- Sulfentrazone in or on soybeans. Amendments
of 5/12/94 and 6/22/94 ( Volumes 2 and 4).
MRID 432334-01 & -02 and 432782-01 & -02.
October 6, 1994. Review. 3 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
New chemical screen for use on soybeans.
October 19, 1994. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Nancy Dodd. Chemistry Branch.
ID #000279-GRUO. PP#4F4407... Sulfentrazon on soybeans.
MRID# 433454-01 thru -03, 433454-14 thru 433454-23
and 433454-28 thru -32.
October 31, 1994. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 3G04272. New chemical- Sulfentrazone in or on
soybeans. Amendments of 9/26/94. MRID# none.
October 31, 1994. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Methanesulfonamide - New Chemical Screen
(also known as F6285).
December 21, 1994. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Methanesulfonamide - New Chemical Screen
(also known as F6285).
February 7, 1995. Letter. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Letter to Ms. Bernadette McMahon, FDA.
Enclosed is the following Multiresidue Method (MRM) test
information for updating PAM-I, Appendix I...
February 16, 1995. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chenistry Branch.
PP # 4F04407. Sulfentrazone in/on soybeans. Request for
petition method validation.
MRID #s 429321-09 and 432782-01.
April 3, 1995. Memorandum. 63 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 4F04407. Sulfentrazone (Sulfentrazone 4F and 75DF
Herbicide) for use on soybeans. Review of Residue Data
and Analytical Methodology. MRID#s 433454-01 to 03, 14
to 23 and 28 to 32. Pages 52-63 removed, confidential
statement of formula and manufacturing process information.
April 18, 1995. Review. 3 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
279-GRUO. New chemical screen for use on soybeans.
July 26, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 4F04407. Sulfentrazone (Authority 4F and 75DF
Herbicide) for Use on Soybeans. Data waiver request.
MRID# none.
August 11, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity to the silverside, Menidia beryllina.
MRID 435886-02.
August 11, 1995. Review. 8 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity to the mysid, Mysidopsis bahia
MRID 435886-03.
August 11, 1995. Review. 10 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Early life-stage toxicity of F6385
technical to the rainbow trout
MRID 435886-04.
August 11, 1995. Review. 11 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Chronic toxicity of F6285 technical to the
daphnid, Daphnia magna.
MRID 435886-05.
August 11, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Toxicity of sulfentrazone technical to the
duckweed, Lemna gibba G3.
MRID 436510-05.
August 11, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity of sulfentrazone technical
to the freshwater alga, Navicula pelliculosa
MRID 436510-04.
August 11, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity of sulfentrazone technical
to the freswater alga, Anabaena flos-aquae
MRID 436510-06.
August 11, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity of sulfentrazone technical
to the marine alga, Skeletonema costatum
MRID 436510-07.
August 14, 1995. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Environmental Effects Branch.
Sulfentrazone: Review of toxicity data.
August 30, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Multiresidue Method Testing of 3-Desmethyl-4-
Desdifluoromethyl Sulfentrazone and 3-Desmethyl
Sulfentrazone. CBTS# 16068. Barcode D218621.
August 30, 1995. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 4F044407. Sulfentrazone in/on Soybeans. Request for
petition method validation. MRID 436510-14 and -15.
September 19, 1995. Memorandum. 19 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone for use on soybeans.
amendment of 5/17/95.
MRIDs 436510-10 thru -16 & 436565-01.
Page 19 removed, registration data.
October 13, 1995. Review. 23 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Tier 2 vegetative vigor nontarget phytotoxicity study using
F6285 technical
MRID 433454-12 (report), 437836-02 (raw data).
October 16, 1995. Review. 23 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Tier 2 seed germination/seedling emergence
nontarget phytotoxicity study using F6285 technical.
MRID 433454-11 (report), 437836-01 (raw data).
October 16, 1995. Review. 6 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Acute toxicity of F6285 to Selenatrum capricornutum Printz.
MRID 433454-13.
October 23, 1995. Review. 3 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
279-GRUO. Toxicity data - new chemical.
October 25, 1995. Review. 33 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Toxicity and reproduction study with
F6285 technical in mallard ducks.
MRID 433559-02.
October 25, 1995. Review. 33 Pages.
Harry Craven. Environmental Effects Branch.
Toxicity and reproduction study
with F6285 technical in bobwhite quail
MRID 433559-01.
October 27, 1995. Memorandum. 15 Pages.
mark Law. Analytical Chemistry Section.
PP# 4F04407. Sulfentrazone in/on soybeans, method
validation report (ACL #B95-33)
MRID 429321-09.
December 7, 1995. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazon, F8426 and F3686. Letter of 11/9/95.
December 14, 1995. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP #-4F04407. sulfentrazone in/on soybeans. Request
for petition method validation.
MRID #s 429321-09 and 432782-01.
February 28, 1996. Memorandum. 39 Pages.
Mark Law. Analytical Chemistry Section.
PP# 4F04407 Sulfentrazone in/on rotational crops.
Method validation report.
MRID 436510-14.
March 13, 1996. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone in/on soybeans. Results of Petition
Method Validation (PMV). MRID#s 436510-14 and-15.
March 13, 1996. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 4F04407. Sulfentrazone for use on soybeans. Data
Waiver Request.
March 21, 1996. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone (Authority Herbicide) for use on
Soybeans. Amendment of 8/24/95.
MRIDs 437617-01 thru -06.
Pages 13-16 removed, confidential statement of formula.
March 25, 1996. Memorandum. 33 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Environmental Effects Branch.
Sulfentrazone: New Chemical Review
EEB has completed its new chemical review of sulfentrazone
(129081) The review and data requirements table are attached.
March 25, 1996. Memorandum. 463 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Environmental Fate Science Chapter... of Sulfentrazone
Pages 25-26, 34, 40-56, 70-120, 129-147, 148-192, 200, 207-
237, 245-269, 276-287, 298, 299-325, 332-349, 356-374, 380-
381, 387-388, 395-422, and 429-449 removed, registration
data. (cont.).
Attachment(s) following:
March 25, 1996. Memorandum.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
MRID's 419282-02, 433454-24, 435886-01, 433454-25,
429321-17, 419282-03, 433454-26, 419116-04, 433559-03,
433454-27, 436510-09, 436510-08, 433454-34, 433454-33,
439268-14, 433454-18, 433454-20, 433454-34, 433454-26,
429321-17, 433454-27, and 436510-09.
*End of attachments*
May 2, 1996. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Issues to be presented to the HED metabolism committee
on 5/20/96. Page 13 removed, registration data.
May 7, 1996. Memorandum. 12 Pages.
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
RfD/Peer review report of Sulfentrazone; 2-(2,4-
Tox review 011910.
June 14, 1996. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
HED Metabolism Committee Meeting of 5/20/96. Sulfentrazone.
July 1, 1996. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
PP# 4F04407 Sulfentrazone (Authority Herbicide) for Use
on Soybeans. Amendments of 2/8/96, 3/15/96 and 5/6/96.
MRID 439268-01 thru -13, 439538-01, 440056-01 and 440056-02.
July 31, 1996. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone (Authority Herbicide) for use on soybeans.
Amendments of 5/30/96 and 7/11/96 and anticipated
residues. MRID 439268-10.
August 12, 1996. Review. 23 Pages.
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Final report for a small-scale prospective ground-water
monitoring study at a single site.
Pages 19-23 removed, registration data.
MRID 439268-14.
August 20, 1996. Memorandum. 1 Page.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone ( Authority Herbicide) for use on soybeans.
Amendment of 7/25/96. Revised Labels.
October 21, 1996. Memorandum. 15 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone ( Authority Herbicide) for use on soybeans.
Amendment of 9/24/96. Revised section F, analytical method,
and reanalysis of samples. MRID 441188-01 thru-07.
October 21, 1996. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
G.F. Kramer. Chemistry Branch.
Sulfentrazone ( Authority Herbicide) for use on soybeans.
Request for Petition Method Validation.
MRID 441188-01 & -02.
October 23, 1996. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Larry Liu. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Review of the Analytical Method for Sulfentrazone in
Seawater. Pages 4-5 removed, registration data.
MRID 439268-14.
November 15, 1996. Memorandum. 10 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Environmental Effects Branch.
Sulfentrazone: Review of acute oyster
toxicity test (72-3b)
MRID 440549-01.
November 25, 1996. Review. 9 Pages.
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Submission of honey bee acute contact toxicity study
in support of registration.
MRID 440549-02.
February 10, 1997. Memorandum. 33 Pages.
Steve Robbins. Health Effects Division.
HED Risk Assessment for Use of the New Chemical
Herbicide Sulfentrazone (F6285) on Soybeans and
Rotational Crops; PP# 4F4407...
February 12, 1997. Memorandum. 29 Pages.
Mark Law. Analytical Chemistry Section.
PP# 4F04407. Sulfentranzone ( Authority Herbicide) on
soybeans and rotational crops. Method validation report.
MRID 441188-01.
March 26, 1999. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
James Saulmon. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of Request by North Dakota (99ND0017) and Minnesota
(99-MN-21) for the use of sulfentrazone (AI: 129081)
on Sunflowers to control kochia.
[Barcodes for ND: D253727, D253729 for MN: D254420, D254421].
April 28, 1999. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
James Saulmon. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Addendum: Rereview of Request by North Dakota (99ND0017) and
Minnesota (99-MN-21) for use of sulfentrazone (AI:129081) on
Sunflowers to control kochia.
[Barcodes for ND: D253727, D253729 for MN: D254420, D254421].
May 4, 1999. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Virginia Dietrich. Herbicide Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of Request for Emergency Exemption for Use
of Sulfentrazone on Sunflowers to Control Kochia (99KS04).
June 3, 1999. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
James Saulmon. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of Request by South Dakota (99-SD-04) for use
of sulfentrazone (AI: 129081) on Sunflowers to control
kochia. [Barcodes: D256028 & 256056].
June 8, 1999. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
James Saulmon. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of Request by Montana (99-MT-21) for use
of sulfentrazone (AI: 129081) on Sunflowers to control
kochia. [Barcodes: D256253 & D256257].
July 17, 2001. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Virginia Dietrich. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of Request for Emergency Exemption for Use of
Sulfentrazone to Control Kochia in Chickpeas and Dry
Field Peas in South Dakota (01-SD-05) [DP Barcodes
D274163, D274165].
April 2, 2002. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Nicole Mosz. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of a Request for Emergency Exemption of Sulfentrazone
in North Dakota for Use on Flax to Control Kochia.
(02ND0012), DP Barcode (D281479).
March 26, 2003. Memorandum. 35 Pages.
Guruva Reddy. Registration Action Branch HED.
SULFENTRAZONE -Report of the Hazard Identification
Assessment Review Committee.
(MRID 43345408).
Tox review 0051700.
January 14, 2004. Memorandum. 28 Pages.
Guruva Reddy. Registration Action Branch HED.
SULFENTRAZONE: Review of One-Generation Reproduction
Toxicity Study in Rat (MRID 43869101).
June 23, 2004. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
William Chism. Herbicide and Insecticide Branch BEAD.
Review of a Request for Emergency Exemption of Sulfentrazone
in Montana for Use on Flax to Control Kochia. (04-MT-10),
DP Barcode D302853.