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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Tetrakis 129058 (Pc Code 129058)

Undated. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Kerry B. Leifer. Registration Support Branch.
New Chemical Product Chemistry Screen--Tetrakis
(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate (EPA File Symbol 33677-G).

November 29, 1991. Review. 27 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Review of a Protocol for use of THPS (new chmical) in
cooling towers. Pages 20-27 removed, registrant data.

May 14, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Douglas J. Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg No. 33677-G. New Chemical Screen.

May 18, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Arthor O. Schlosser. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
New Chemical Screen for Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) Phosphonium
Sulfate(THPS) EPA Reg. No. 33677-G.

May 26, 1992. Review. 3 Pages.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg. No. 33677-G. New Chemical Screen.

May 28, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
SanYvette Williams. Toxicology Branch.
New Chemical Screen for Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) Phosphonium
Sulphate(THPS) Submission No. 5416019.

December 15, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Charles Lewis. Registration Section II.
Review of proposed label for Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)
Phosphonium Sulphate (THPS). EPA Reg. No. 33677-G.

January 4, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Kerry B. Leifer. Registration Support Branch.
New Chemical Product Chemistry Screen-Tetrakis(hydroxymethy)
phosphonium Sulfate (THPS) EPA Reg. No. 33667-G.

May 18, 1993. Review. 1 Page.
Anna Skappars. Registration Support Branch.
EPA Reg. No 33677-G.
Tetrakis, Albright & Wilson, Ltd.
"The following deficiencies noted have been addressed."
MRIDs 42756301, -02, -03, 42640401, -02.

August 31, 1993. Review. 22 Pages.
Shyam Mathur. Registration Support Branch.
Reg. No. 33677-G. THPS-75.
Upgraded product chemistry data; storage stability data.
Product impurity info on pages 1, 8 not included.
Registrant data on page 12 not included.
Pages 19-22 removed, confidential statement of formula.

September 16, 1993. Memorandum. 156 Pages.
Virginia Dobozy. Toxicology Branch II.
Tetrakis (hydroxymethy)phosphonium Sulphate
(THPS) - Review of Toxicity Data.
Pages 18-22, 30-33, 39-43, 51, 57-60, 64-65, 69, 86-92,
107-112, 140-144 removed, registrant data. Pages 151-152
removed, impurity info. MRID 422363-05 thru -20.

January 21, 1994. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Anthony F. Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 33677-G. New Chemical review proposed label.

March 10, 1994. Review. 21 Pages.
Mah Shamim. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
New Chemical Review
Inert and impurity information on page 8 not included.
Pages 9-21 removed, registrant data.

November 15, 1994. Memorandun. 17 Pages.
SanYvette Williams-Foy. Toxicology Branch.
Response to Items Regarding Tetrakis-hydroxymethyl
phosphnium Sulfate (Action:116 Resubmission New Chemical
Non-Food/Food Use). Pages 10-12 removed, regsitrant data.
Tox review 011322.

November 20, 1994. Memorandum. 49 Pages.
Anthony F. Macioroski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Data for THPS Submitted by Albright & Wilson, Ltd.
Pages 18-19, 37-38, 44-45, 49 removed, registrant data.
MRID 422363-21 thru -30. Acute oral...

November 29, 1994. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
SanYvette Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Response to Supplementary Information for the Chemical
Tetrakis-hydroxymethylphosphonium Sulfate (THPS) (Action:
116 Resubmission New Chemical Non-Food/Food Use)
MRID 422363-17. Mutagenicity.

December 16, 1994. Letter. 3 Pages.
Walter C. Francis. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Tetrakis-hydroxymethylphosphonium Sulfate(THPS)
Resubmissions Dated June 24, 1994, August 30, 1994, and
May 7, 1993. EPA Reg. No. 33677-G
MRID 422363-16, 422363-07, 432820-01, 03, 422363-13, -12.

January 9, 1995. Review. 2 Pages.
Susan L. Maurel. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicology Endpoint Selection Document.

February 2, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
SanYvette Williams. Toxicology Branch.
Response to Items Regarding Tetrakis-hydroxymethyl
phosphonium Sulfate (Action:116 Resubmission New Chemical
Non-Food/Food Use). Upgrade Ames mutagenicity test,
MRID 422363-16. Review unsheduled DNA synthesis, 433122-01.

March 22, 1995. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Tina Manville. Health Effects Division.
Exposure Assessment for Tetrakis (Hydroxymethyl) Phosphonium
Sulphate (THPS). EPA Reg. No. 33677-G.

March 29, 1995. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Steve Robbins. Risk Characterization & Analysis Branch.
HED Risk Assessment for use of Tetrakis(Hydroxymethxl)
phosphonium Sulphate(THPS) for Formulation of Industrial
Microbiocides and Preservatives. Reg. No. 33677-G.

April 26, 1995. Review. 2 Pages.
Anna Skapars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review. Reg. No. 33677-G
Product impurity information on page 1 not included.

July 28, 1995. Review. 5 Pages.
Anna Skapars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of Reg. No. 33677-A
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Manufacturing process information on page 3 is not included.

July 28, 1995. Review. 5 Pages.
Anna Skapars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of Reg. No. 33677-L
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Manufacturing process information on page 3 is not included.

August 18, 1995. DER. 3 Pages.
Fried. Toxicology Branch.
Data Review for Acute Inhalation Toxicity Testing (81-3).
Tolcide PS 355 C.
Report Date: 08-18-95.
MRID No.: 44135401.

August 18, 1995. DER. 3 Pages.
Fried. Toxicology Branch.
Data Review for Acute Inhalation Toxicity Testing (81-3).
Tolcide PS 355 A.
Report Date: 08-18-95.
MRID No.: 44135402.

September 18, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Kerry L. Dearfield. Science Analysis Branch.
THPS--Protocol Review.

September 29, 1995. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Stephen Johnson. Registration Division.
Registration of Tetrakis(Hydroxymethyl)Phosponium Sulfate

February 28, 1996. Review. 1 Page.
Anna Skapars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review. Reg. No. 33677-5.

March 4, 1996. Review. 1 Page.
Anna Skapars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review
EPA Reg. No. 33677-6.

May 22, 1996. Review. 3 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Amendment to increase dosage rates with quantitative
suspension test data and label. EPA Reg. No. 33677-6.

May 22, 1996. Review. 3 Pages.
Srinivas Gowda. Antimicrobial Program Branch.
Amendment to increase dosage rates with quantitative
suspension test data and label. EPA Reg. No. 33677-5.

June 12, 1997. Review. 4 Pages.
Anna Skappars. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review.
Reg. No. 4564-RL.
MRID 44257601, -02.

October 14, 1997. DER. 8 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Acute toxicity of Tetrakis... to the Mysid,
Mysidopsis bahia, under flow-through
conditions. MRID 44279601.

October 14, 1997. DER. 7 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Acute toxicity of Tetrakis... to the Sheepshead minnow,
Cyprinodon variegatus, under flow-through
conditions. MRID 44279602.

October 14, 1997. DER. 6 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Acute flow through mollusc shell
deposition test with Tetrakis...
MRID 44279603.

December 16, 1997. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Allen Vaughan. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Review of Ecotoxicity Studies with THPS submitted
under 6(a)(2):(DP Barcode D231132; PC Code 129058;
Product ID# 033677-00007).
MRIDs 44135406, -08, -10.

August 6, 1998. Mmeorandum. 2 Pages.
Timothy McMahon. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Tetrakis... review of data submitted
under FIFRA Section 6(a)(2).
[re subchronic toxicity].
MRID 44135403.

October 5, 1998. Memorandum. 61 Pages.
Timothy McMahon. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulphate (THPS):
Tox. Data Submitted Under MRID Nos. 44135501, 44135502,
44135503, 44135504 and 44135505. Pages 34-37, 54-61 removed,
registrant data.
ID# 33677-3.

December 11, 2001. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
Timothy McMahon. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate [THPS]: Review
of a two-generation reproduction toxicity study in rats.
MRID 45320801.

April 8, 2002. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Timothy McMahon. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulphate [THPS]: Review
of additional information submitted on a two-generation
reproduction toxicity study in rats (MRID# 45320801).

June 19, 2002. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Robert Quick. Risk Assessment & Science Support Branch.
Review of the Rhodia Consumer Specialities, Ltd. (formerly
Albright & Wilson UK Ltd.), submission dated 11/14/2001.
[submitted updated exposure (dietary) and risk assessment]
MRID 45542000, 45542001.

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