Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Pyriproxyfen (Pc Code 129032)
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March 10, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Arthur Schlosser. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
New Chemical Screen For The Insecticide: 2-[1-Methyl-2-(4-Phenoxyphenoxy)Ethoxy]
Pyridine (Sumilarv Technical) and End Use Products.
Document (PDF) (96 KB PDF).
March 18, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Kerry Leifer. Chemistry Branch.
New Chemical Product Chemistry Screen for Sumilarv. The registrant has submitted
the following product chemistry data in support of EPA File Symbol 10308-RR...
MRID 41320703.
Document (PDF) (170 KB PDF).
September 02, 1992. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Mark Law. Analytical Branch.
Product Chemistry Review on Technical Sumilarv (EPA ID No. 01308-RR).
Pages 6-9 removed, manufacturing process and quality control procedures.
MRID No.: 41321703, 41654101, AND 42201401.
Document (PDF) (261 KB PDF).
September 13, 1992. Review. 7 Page(s).
Indira Gairola. Chemistry Branch.
File Symbol/EPA Reg. No.: 10308-RR. Page 3, manufacting process.
Pages 4-7 removed, manufacturing process and quality control procedures.
MRID No.: 423432-03, 423432-04.
Document (PDF) (223 KB PDF).
February 10, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 7 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Mutengenicity: Gene Mutation in Cultured Chinese Hamster V79 Cells.
MRID 421783-16.
Document (PDF) (340 KB PDF).
February 10, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Mutagenicity: Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Assay in HeLa Cells.
MRID 421783-17.
Document (PDF) (402 KB PDF).
February 10, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 8 Page(s).
Nancy McCarroll. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Salmonella typhimurium/Escherichia coli/ Mammalian Microsome
Preincubation Mutagenicity Assay. MRID 421783-15.
Document (PDF) (336 KB PDF).
February 18, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 11 Page(s).
Sheryl Reilly. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Subchonic 90-day Oral Toxicity. MRID NO.: 413217-16.
Document (PDF) (650 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 3 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Acute Dermal Toxicity in Rats. MRID NO.: 421783-03; Amended
MRID NO. 41827-12. Page 3 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (179 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 3 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Eye Irritation Study in Rabbits. Page 3 removed, registration data.
MRID NO.: 421783-05; Amended MRID NO. 41827-14.
Document (PDF) (158 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 3 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Skin Irritation Study in Rabbits. Page 3 removed, registration data.
MRID NO.: 421783-05; Amended MRID NO. 41827-14.
Document (PDF) (154 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 4 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Acute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats. MRID NO.: 421783-04; Amended
MRID NO. 418227-13. Page 4 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (236 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 5 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Skin Sensitization Study in Guinea Pigs. Pages 4-5 removed,
registration data. MRID NO.: 421783-06; Amended MRID No. 41827-15.
Document (PDF) (242 KB PDF).
March 01, 1993. Data Eval.Rec.. 4 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats. MRID NO. 421783-02;
Amended MRID #41827-11. Page 4 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (194 KB PDF).
March 11, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 13 Page(s).
Sheryl Reilly. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Teratogenicity - Developemental Toxicity, Rabbit
MRID NO.: 421783-11; Amended MRID NO.: 423217-20.
Document (PDF) (791 KB PDF).
March 17, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 12 Page(s).
Sheryl Reilly. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: 90-day Feeding Studies - Non-rodent. MRID NO.: 421783-07.
Document (PDF) (776 KB PDF).
March 29, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 14 Page(s).
Carrie Rabe. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Subacute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats. MRID 421783-08.
Document (PDF) (663 KB PDF).
April 29, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 25 Page(s).
Sanju Diwan. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Developemental Toxicity Study in Rats (Segments II and III).
MRID 421783-12 (amended 413217-19).
Document (PDF) (1168 KB PDF).
June 10, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Gregory Verdin. Chemistry Branch.
Product chemistry method validation of the analytical procedure for the determination
of the Active Ingrdient Sumilarv content in a Technical material sample. Other names
for Sumilarv are pyrioproxyfen (BSI proposed) and S-31183….
Document (PDF) (138 KB PDF).
June 16, 1993. Review. 15 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Oncogencity Study, Mouse. MRID 421783-10.
Document (PDF) (834 KB PDF).
June 24, 1993. Data Eval. Rep. 17 Page(s).
Sanji Diwan. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Reproductive Toxicity. MRID 421783-13.
Document (PDF) (818 KB PDF).
July 07, 1993. Review. 17 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Chronic Toxicity-dog. MRID NO.: 421783-09.
Document (PDF) (810 KB PDF).
September 13, 1993. Review. 23 Page(s).
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Purpose: Review of 16-1 study and 164-1 protocol of pyriproxyfen in support
of registration. Pages 15-23 removed, registration data. MRID 423432-01, -02.
Document (PDF) (1099 KB PDF).
September 27, 1993. Review. 36 Page(s).
Laurence Chitlik. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Rat Chronic Feeding and Oncogencity- (83-5).
Pages 18-36 removed, registration data. MRID NO.: 421783-14.
Document (PDF) (1184 KB PDF).
November 15, 1993. Review. 2 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
Study Type: Mouse oncogenicity. MRID NO.: 421783-10.
Document (PDF) (135 KB PDF).
December 01, 1993. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Sheryl Reilly. Toxicology Branch.
Data Evaluation for Sumilarv Technical (Pyriproxyfen, S-3113, 2-[1-methyl-2-(4-phenoxphenoxy)
ethoxy] pyridine. MRID 421783-02 through 421783-06, 423432-05, 421783-08, 413217-16,
421783-15,-16,-17,-07,-18, 422014-02, 421783-09,-10,-14,-13,-11,-12, -22.
Document (PDF) (755 KB PDF).
January 27, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Shyam Mathur. Chemistry Branch.
Review of the supplementary data on Series 61-2. Page 2, manufacturing process.
Pages 3-4 removed, quality control procedures and manufacturing process.
Document (PDF) (400 KB PDF).
February 24, 1994. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Stanley Gross. Toxicology Branch.
Sumilarv 010308-RR. 21 day subchronic dermal study in rats
MRID NO. 43004101. S453518. ID# 1021-RAEG.
Document (PDF) (486 KB PDF).
May 04, 1994. Review. 1 Page(s).
H. Podall. Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. or File Symbol: 010308-RR.
Document (PDF) (32 KB PDF).
May 05, 1994. Review. 1 Page(s).
H. Podall. Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. or File Symbol: 10308-RR.
Document (PDF) (33 KB PDF).
December 19, 1994. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Sumilarv (Chem.No. 129032) New Chemical -- Indoor Use.
Document (PDF) (250 KB PDF).
February 01, 1995. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
ID.NO.010308-RR. Sumilarv, Response to Developmental Study.
Document (PDF) (373 KB PDF).
March 22, 1995. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
ID. NO. 010308-RR, Sumilarv, Subchronic Toxcicity in Mice and Supplements
to Rat and Mouse Onconencity studies. MRID 432105-04, 432105-01, -02, -03, -01,
434132-01, -02. Page 21 removed, registration data.
Document (PDF) (1411 KB PDF).
June 07, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Tina Manville. Special Review & Registration Section II.
Document (PDF) (132 KB PDF).
August 01, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
Re-review of 28 day Rat Inhalation Study on Sumilarv.
Barcode DP 216840 Submission No. S489325 MRID 421783-08.
Document (PDF) (132 KB PDF).
August 03, 1995. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Pyriproxyfen: freshwater algae toxicity review.
Document (PDF) (520 KB PDF).
September 21, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
ID. NO. 010308-RR, Sumilarv, Information to Upgrade 28-Day Inhalation Study in Rats.
Document (PDF) (124 KB PDF).
November 01, 1995. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Mark Dow. Special Review & Registration Section II.
SUBJECT: PC CODE 129032. Pages 2-8 removed, draft product label.
Document (PDF) (114 KB PDF).
November 07, 1995. Review. 4 Page(s).
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Purpose: EUP field trails for 71.1 lbs. ai on 1,422 acres in eight
states to confirm lab. data.
Document (PDF) (291 KB PDF).
January 22, 1996. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Melba Morrow. Toxicology Branch.
ID. NO. 010308-00011. 90 Day Dermel Studies for Sumilarv.
Document (PDF) (163 KB PDF).
June 13, 1996. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Environmental Fate & Effects Division.
Pyriproxyfen (129032): review of aquatic plant (Lemna gibba) toxicity study (122-2);
D225442; S503789; Case 031299; McLaughlin Gormley King Co.
Document (PDF) (402 KB PDF).
December 22, 1998. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Virginia Dobozy. Registration Branch I.
Secondary Review of DER's for Companion Animal Safety Studies.
MRID Nos. 44078702, 44412601 & 44522102. DP Barcodes: D251467, D251468 & D251469.
Document (PDF) (200 KB PDF).
February 09, 1999. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Virginia Dobozy. Reregistration Branch I.
Secondary Review of DERs for Companion Animal Safety Studies.
DP Barcodes: D252334; D252474. MRlDs 44128307C, 44128308C and 44527902.
Document (PDF) (174 KB PDF).
February 12, 1999. Memorandum. 23 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 2382-150. DP Barcode: D249947. Case No: 060911.
MRIDs 441283-07 & 08.
Document (PDF) (693 KB PDF).
June 01, 2004. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 69332-G SPI #8208-55D. DP Barcode: D303497
Please review animal safety study for the new formulation of pending cat spot-on.
MRID 46161309.
Document (PDF) (1000 KB PDF).
November 24, 2004. Memorandum. 26 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D305948. Acute tox studies; acute inhalation toxicity waiver request.
MRIDs 46166103 thru 46166108.
Document (PDF) (1516 KB PDF).
November 24, 2004. Memorandum. 29 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin+IGR Squeeze-On for Dogs.
DP Barcode No. D305948.
MRID Nos. 46166103, 46166104, 46166105, 46166106, 46166107, 46166108.
Document (PDF) (1647 KB PDF).
June 27, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D317320. This review compares findings in the previously reviewed...
safety study (MRID 46166108) to efficacy data (MRID 46166109).
Document (PDF) (150 KB PDF).
October 12, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D321277. (Regarding MRID 46166109) The most likely explanation for
the symptoms (including tremors) was dogs ingested test material.
Document (PDF) (157 KB PDF).
December 21, 2005. Efficacy Review. 2 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-IO. Product name: Squeeze-On Flea & Tick Control for Dogs
& Puppies. DP Barcode 318485. MRID Nos. 46346601, 46039501, 46281101.
Document (PDF) (84 KB PDF).
September 26, 2006. Efficacy Review. 14 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch RD.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-IN, 2517-ON. Product name: Sergeant's Cyphenothrin...[2517-IN],
Sergeant's Cyphenothrin...[2517-ON]. DP Barcode 305945, 307614 , 319065.
MRIDs 46346601, 46039501, 46041303, 46166109, 46298501-02, 42614501,
45086801, 44948301, 44546601.
Document (PDF) (760 KB PDF).
November 07, 2006. Efficacy Review. 10 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. Number: 2517-IL, 2517-IN, 2517-ON. Registrant: Seargeant's Pet Care
Products, Inc. DP Barcode: 305952, 305945, 307614, 358246. Sites: dogs; puppies.
Pests: fleas (adult, eggs, larvae); ticks; mosquitoes; Deer Ticks.
Document (PDF) (529 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
November 07, 2006. Efficacy Review.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
(continued) MRIDs 46346601, 46039501, 46041303, 46166109, 46298501,
46298502, 42604501, 45086801, 44948301, 44546601, 46166110.
*End of Attachments*
November 07, 2006. Memorandum. 31 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
Product Performance/Efficacy Review. Sergeant's Cyphenothrin Squeeze-On for
Dogs [2517-IL], Sergeant's Cyphenonothrin+IGR Squeeze-On for Dogs [2517-IN]
& Sergeant's Cyphenothrin+ Methoprene Squeeze-On for Dogs [2517-ON].
Reg. Nos. 2517-IL,2517-IN & 2517-ON.
Document (PDF) (1425 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
November 07, 2006. Memorandum.
Mark Suarez. Insecticide Branch.
DP Barcode Nos. 305952 [2517-IL], 305945 [2517-IN], 307614 [2517-IN]
& 319065 [2517-ON]. MRID Nos. 46346601, 46039501, 46041303, 46166109,
46298501, 46298502, 42614501, 45086801, 44948301, 44546601 & 46166110.
*End of Attachments*
March 01, 2007. Efficacy Review. 2 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-OU. Product name: Sergeant's Gold squeeze-On for Dogs.
DP Barcode 332704. MRID Nos. 46281101, 46039501, 45364808, 46425801, 46346601.
Document (PDF) (70 KB PDF).
March 16, 2007. Review. 2 Page(s).
Byron T. Backus.
EPA File SymboI 11556.RUU: K9 ADVANTIX PLUS 100.
Dermal Sensitization - albino Guinea Pig; OPPTS 870.2600; OECD 406.
MRID No. 47014303.
Document (PDF) (784 KB PDF).
September 22, 2007. DER. 13 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Companion Animal Safety Study - Puppies; OPPTS 870.7200.
DP BARCODE: 345267. MRID No. 47246601.
Document (PDF) (341 KB PDF).
December 05, 2007. Efficacy Review. 6 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-80, 2517-85, 2517-90. Product name(s): Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
+ IGR...[2517-80], Sergeant's Cyphenothrin Squeeze...[2517-85], Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
+ Methoprene...[2517-90]. DP Barcode 342540, 342541, 342544. MRID Nos. 47163701-02.
Document (PDF) (315 KB PDF).
January 01, 2008. DER. 10 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Companion Animal Safety Study - Puppies; OPPTS 870.7200.
DP BARCODE: 358752. MRID No. 47592901.
Document (PDF) (301 KB PDF).
April 02, 2008. Review. 3 Pages.
Indira Gairola. Technical Review Branch.
FEE Product Chemistry Review Of MP [ ] EP [X]. DP Barcode No.: D350263.
REG. No. /File Symbol No. 75844-I. Product Name: Freedom 50 Plus IGR Spot
On For Dogs. PCC: 129032, 109701. Decision No. 389796. Food Use [ ].
MRID Nos. 433964-01, 473467-01.
Document (PDF) (49 KB PDF).
May 06, 2008. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: SVP9. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 83399-RN.
DP Barcode: D351224. Decision No.: 375169. Action Code: R3I. PC Codes: 044312
(Dinotefuran: 22.00%) 129032 (Pyriproxyfen: 3.00%). MRID No. 47385501.
Document (PDF) (29 KB PDF).
May 15, 2008. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Byron T. Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: FREEDOM 50 PLUS IGR SPOT ON FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 75844-I. DP Barcode: D350262. Decision No.: 389796.
Action Code: R301. MRID Nos. 43396402 through 43396407, 43612601.
Document (PDF) (57 KB PDF).
July 30, 2008. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Byron T. Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: FREEDOM 50 PLUS IGR SPOT ON FOR DOGS.
EPA Reg. No./File Symbol: 75844-I. DP Barcode: D354842.
Decision No.: 389796. Action Code: R301.
MRIDs 40806701, 41056901 thru 41056905, 42178309, 46011901 thru 46011905.
Document (PDF) (115 KB PDF).
August 26, 2008. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
DP BARCODE: 350265. MRID: 43396409, 43396410, 46062801, 47346702.
Document (PDF) (138 KB PDF).
October 14, 2008. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: SVP9. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 83399-10.
DP Barcode: D355053. Decision No.: 397287. Action Code: R340. PC Codes: 044312
(Dinotefuran) 129032 (Pyriproxyfen). (MRID Nos. 47466701, 47246601).
Document (PDF) (68 KB PDF).
January 13, 2009. Efficacy Review. 5 Pages.
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
EPA Reg. No.: 83399-6. Product: SVP7. Request is to review
efficacy data to support label claims for flies, lice and mites.
DP Barcode: D358767. MRID Nos.: 47576001, 47576002.
Document (PDF) (72 KB PDF).
February 12, 2009. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: SVP9. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 83399-10.
DP Barcode: D358752, 360895. Decision No.: 397287. Action Code: R340.
PC Codes: 044312 (Dinotefuran: 22%) 129032 (Pyriproxyfen: 3%).
MRID Nos. 47519901 & 47604801.
Document (PDF) (362 KB PDF).
January 15, 2010. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-RGN, 2517-REO, 2517-RGR, 2517-RGE, 2517-REI, 2517-RET.
Products: 6 Sergeant's Pet Care Products, cyphenothrin, 20-30%.
DP #s: 370291, 370302, 370279, 370298, 370284, 370306. MRIDs: 47849701.
Document (PDF) (765 KB PDF).
February 12, 2010. Efficacy Review. 2 Pages.
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
Products: Etofenprox/Nylar Spot-on Flea and Tick for Dogs.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-RGG. Decision #s: 420097. DP#s: 371693.
MRIDs: 47849607, 4789608.
Document (PDF) (71 KB PDF).
February 12, 2010. Efficacy Review. 6 Pages.
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
Products: Etofenprox/Nylar Spot-on Flea and Tick for Dogs.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-RGG. Decision #s: 420097. DP #s: 371691.
MRIDs: 47849601, 47849602, 47849603, 47849604, 47849605, 47849606.
Document (PDF) (221 KB PDF).
February 24, 2010. Memorandum. 18 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
DOGS AND PUPPIES. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 2517-RGG. DP Barcode: DP 371676.
Decision No.: 420097. Action Code: R310. MRID No. 47849609.
Document (PDF) (606 KB PDF).
April 15, 2010. Memorandum. 16 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
Name of Pesticide Product: ADVANTAGE lGR 5.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 11556-RLN. DP Barcode: DP 372322.
Decision No.: 424201. Action Code: R310. MRID No. 47924801
Document (PDF) (936 KB PDF).
April 23, 2010. Efficacy Review. 3 Pages.
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
Products: Etofenprox/Nylar Spot-On Flea and Tick for Dogs and Puppies.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-RGG. Decision #: 420097. DP#: 376747. MRlDs: None.
Document (PDF) (109 KB PDF).
April 29, 2010. Memorandum. 7 Pages.
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
DOGS AND PUPPIES. EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 2517-RGG. DP Barcode: DP 376746.
Decision No.: 420097. Action Code: R310. MRID No. 47849609.
Document (PDF) (262 KB PDF).
October 04, 2010. Efficacy Review. 10 Page(s).
Kable Bo Davis. EPA/OPP.
EPA Reg. No.: 83399-6. Product: SVP7. Review data to support efficacy claims.
DP Barcode: D380592. MRID Nos.: 48144401, 48144402, 48144403, 48144404, 48144405.
Document (PDF) (318 KB PDF).
July 01, 2011. Efficacy Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-129. Products: Cyphenothrin + Pyriproxyfen Squeeze-on for Dogs (20%).
Decision #s: 445165. DP#s: 387383, 390083. Efficacy Evaluation of Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
Squeeze-ons for Dogs against Mosquitoes...on Dogs. MRIDs: 48382701.
Document (PDF) (72 KB PDF).
July 01, 2011. Efficacy Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-130. Products: Cyphenothrin + Pyriproxyfen Squeeze-on for Dogs (30%).
Decision #s: 445169. DP#s: 387382, 390079. Efficacy Evaluation of Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
Squeeze-ons for Dogs against Mosquitoes...on Dogs. MRlDs: 48382701.
Document (PDF) (72 KB PDF).