Index of Cleared Science Reviews
Index for ortho-Phthalaldehyde (Pc Code 129017)
April 26, 1990. Report. 14 Pages.
Dynamac Corporation.
o-Pthalaldehyde Task 5. Product Chemistry Support.
Manufacturing process removed from pages 9-14.
MRID Nos. 412552-11 through 14, & 41267301.
September 28, 1990. DER. 12 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch It Branch.
Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Rats.
Registration Data removed from pages 8-12.
MRID No. 412552-18.
Review No. 008139.
September 28, 1990. DER. 11 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch It Branch.
Acute Dermal Toxicity Study in Rabbits.
Registration Data removed from pages 6-11.
MRID No. 412552-19.
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 7 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - DNA damage/repair in vitro (HPC/UDS).
Registration Data removed from pages 5-7.
MRID No. 412552-27.
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 7 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - Chromosome damage in vitro (CA/CHO).
Registration Data removed from pages 5-7.
MRID No. 412552-25.
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 9 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - Gene Mutation in bacteria (Ames Assay).
Registration Data removed from pages 6-9.
MRID No. 412552-22.
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 11 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - Gene Mutation in mammalian cells in vitro
(CHO/HGPRT). MRID No. 412552-23. Registration Data
removed from pages 6-11.
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 7 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - Sister-Chromatid exchanges in vitro (CHO/SCE)
MRID No. 412552-24. Registration Data removed from pages 6-7
Tox Review No. 008139.
October 23, 1990. DER. 8 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
Mutagenicity - Chromosome aberration in rats (bone marrow).
Registration Data removed from pages 6-8.
MRID No. 412552-26.
Tox Review No. 008139.
August 25, 1991. Memorandum. 3 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Review memorandum of understanding & itemize outstanding
data requirements.
Manufacturing process removed from page 3.
December 23, 1992. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Treva Alston. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review; EPA File Symbol 7078-RT.
Manufacturing Process removed from pages 2 and 3-5.
MRID Nos. 422417-00 & 422799-01.
March 3, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Irving Mauer. Toxicology Branch I.
CIDEX OPA - Company Response to Agency Assessment, Submitted
Under MRID No. 422645-03; ID No. 007078-RT.
September 13, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Pages.
Treva Alston. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review; EPA File Symbol 7078-RT.
Manufacturing Process removed from page 2.
MRID Nos. 437132-01 & 435695-00, -01.