Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Cyphenothrin (Pc Code 129013)
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February 19, 1986. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Richard Loranger. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA File No. l0308-RN. (RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxy-benzyl (1R)-cis,trans-chrysanthemate.
Application for registration of technical. Accession Number 259842. [RCB# 150].
Manufacturing process information removed from pages 2, 6, 7.
Document (PDF) (809 KB PDF).
June 30, 1986. Memorandum. 31 Page(s).
John Whalan. Toxicology Branch.
Application for Registration of Gokilaht™ (Forte; S-2703) Manufacturing Use Product;
Review of Submitted Toxicology Data. EPA No. 10308-RN. Record No. 161016.
Project No. 926. Tox. Chem. No. 725A. Tox review No. 005237. Accession No. 259845.
Document (PDF) (463 KB PDF).
October 02, 1991. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Anne Lindsay. Registration Division.
New Chemical - Consideration of Unconditional Registration for the Indoor Use of the
New Synthetic Pyrethroid, Cyphenothrin (RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS) cis,
trans-chrysanthemate (EPA File Symbols 39398-ET & 10308-RN).
Document (PDF) (391 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
October 02, 1991. Memorandum.
Anne Lindsay. Registration Division.
(Continued). Manufacturing Process Information is not included.
*End of Attachments*
April 25, 1996. Memorandum. 65 Page(s).
Myron Ottley. Toxicology Branch I.
I.D. Nos.: 010308-00010. Cyphenothrin (Gokilaht). Evaluation of Product Labeling
Data Submitted and Identification of Outstanding Toxicology Data Requirements.
MRID No. 42681103 thru -06, 42826006. DP Barcode Nos.: D190032, D192756.
TXR No. 011901.
Document (PDF) (766 KB PDF).
October 30, 1996. Review. 2 Page(s).
Sami Malak. Registration Support Branch.
EP [ ] MP [X] Product Chemistry Review. DP Barcode No. 223395.
Reg./File Symbol No.: 1021-EAIE. Registration [X] Reregistration [ ].
Product Name: Multicide Intermediate 2738. Company: McLaughlin Gormley King Company.
MRID Nos.: 439216-07, -08 & -09.
Document (PDF) (187 KB PDF).
September 08, 1998. DER. 14 Page(s).
Thomas Steeger. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
72-1 - Acute LC50 Test with a Coldwater Fish.
Acute Flow-Through Toxicity of S-1668 to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
MRID No.: 439773-13. DP Barcode: D237130, D237151, D237155.
Document (PDF) (772 KB PDF).
September 08, 1998. DER. 8 Page(s).
Thomas Steeger. Environmental Risk Branch IV.
72-2 - Acute EC50 Test with a Freshwater Invertebrate.
Acute Flow-Through Toxicity of S-1668 to Daphnia magna.
MRID No.: 439876-01. DP Barcode: D237130, D237151, D237155.
Document (PDF) (436 KB PDF).
August 20, 2003. Review. 8 Page(s).
Shyam Mathur. Technical Review Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of TGAI/MP[X] EP [ ] DP Barcode No.: D291417
REG. No.: 10308-10. Product Name: Gokilaht Manufacturing use product.
Company: Sumitomo Chemical Company. Manufacturing process info. removed from p. 4-8.
MRID Nos. 460040-01, 460040-02.
Document (PDF) (1222 KB PDF).
November 24, 2004. Memorandum. 26 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D305948. Acute tox studies; acute inhalation toxicity waiver request.
MRIDs 46166103 thru 46166108.
Document (PDF) (1516 KB PDF).
November 24, 2004. Memorandum. 29 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin+IGR Squeeze-On for Dogs.
DP Barcode No. D305948.
MRID Nos. 46166103, 46166104, 46166105, 46166106, 46166107, 46166108.
Document (PDF) (1647 KB PDF).
June 27, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D317320. This review compares findings in the previously reviewed...
safety study (MRID 46166108) with efficacy data (46166109).
Document (PDF) (150 KB PDF).
October 12, 2005. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Technical Review Branch RD.
EPA File Symbol: 2517-IN Sergeant's Cyphenothrin + IGR Squeeze-On For Dogs
DP Barcode: D321277. (Regarding MRID 46166109) The most likely explanation
for the symptoms (including tremors) was dogs ingested test material.
Document (PDF) (157 KB PDF).
March 20, 2006. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Registration Branch 3.
Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for Proposed Section 3
Registration of Cyphenothrin on Domestic Pets. MRID No. 46418501.
DP Barcode No. 317077
Document (PDF) (1026 KB PDF).
September 21, 2006. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Registration Branch 3.
Cyphenothrin: Review of Sergeant's Pet Products, Inc. Draft Protocol,
"Dislodgeability of Gokilaht from Haircoat of Dogs Treated with a Spot-On Formulation".
MRID Nos. 46082302, 45869402, 45869401, 46874501. DP No. 330741.
Pages 5-12 are not included.
Document (PDF) (249 KB PDF).
September 21, 2006. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Registration Branch 3.
Cyphenothrin & Etofenprox: Review and Response to, "Information to Upgrade
MRID Nos. 46082302, 45869402, & 45869401" (MRID 46874501); DP Barcode No. 330745.
Document (PDF) (348 KB PDF).
September 26, 2006. Efficacy Review. 14 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch RD.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-IN, 2517-ON. Product name: Sergeant's Cyphenothrin...[2517-IN],
Sergeant's Cyphenothrin...[2517-ON]. DP Barcode 305945, 307614 , 319065.
MRIDs 46346601, 46039501, 46041303, 46166109, 46298501-02, 42614501,
45086801, 44948301, 44546601.
Document (PDF) (760 KB PDF).
September 26, 2006. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Wade Britton. Reregistration Branch 3.
Cyphenothrin: Revisions for "Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for
Proposed Section 3 Registration of Cyphenothrin on Domestic Pets (3/20/2006, D317077)";
DP Barcode: 319222. MRID No. 42717503.
Document (PDF) (34 KB PDF).
November 07, 2006. Efficacy Review. 10 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. Number: 2517-IL, 2517-IN, 2517-ON. Registrant: Seargeant's Pet Care
Products, Inc. DP Barcode: 305952, 305945, 307614, 358246. Sites: dogs; puppies.
Pests: fleas (adult, eggs, larvae); ticks; mosquitoes; Deer Ticks
Document (PDF) (529 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
November 07, 2006. Efficacy Review.
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
(continued) MRIDs 46346601, 46039501, 46041303, 46166109, 46298501,
46298502, 42604501, 45086801, 44948301, 44546601, 46166110.
*End of Attachments*
November 07, 2006. Memorandum. 31 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
Product Performance/Efficacy Review. Sergeant's Cyphenothrin Squeeze-On for
Dogs [2517-IL], Sergeant's Cyphenonothrin+IGR Squeeze-On for Dogs [2517-IN]
& Sergeant's Cyphenothrin+ Methoprene Squeeze-On for Dogs [2517-ON].
Reg. Nos. 2517-IL, 2517-IN &…
Document (PDF) (1414 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
November 07, 2006. Memorandum.
Mark Suarez. Insecticide Branch.
(continued). & 2517-ON. DP Barcode Nos. 305952 [2517-IL], 305945 [2517-IN],
307614 [2517-IN] & 319065 [2517-ON]. MRID Nos. 46346601, 46039501,
46041303, 46166109, 46298501, 46298502, 42614501, 45086801, 44948301,
44546601 & 46166110.
*End of Attachments*
December 05, 2007. Efficacy Review. 6 Page(s).
Mark Suarez. Insecticides Branch.
EPA Reg. No.: 2517-80, 2517-85, 2517-90. Product name(s): Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
+ IGR...[2517-80], Sergeant's Cyphenothrin Squeeze...[2517-85], Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
+ Methoprene...[2517-90]. DP Barcode 342540, 342541, 342544.
MRID Nos. 47163701-02.
Document (PDF) (315 KB PDF).
January 15, 2010. Efficacy Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-RGN, 2517-REO, 2517-RGR, 2517-RGE, 2517-REI, 2517-RET.
Products: 6 Sergeant's Pet Care Products, cyphenothrin, 20-30%.
DP #s: 370291, 370302, 370279, 370298, 370284, 370306. MRIDs: 47849701.
Document (PDF) (765 KB PDF).
November 23, 2010. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Byron T. Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 2517-RUN. DP Barcode: DP 380756. Decision No.: 435798.
Action Code: R310. MRID Nos. 481296-03 thru 08.
Document (PDF) (259 KB PDF).
December 03, 2010. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Byron T. Backus. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No. /File Symbol: 2517-RUN. DP Barcode: DP 380758. Decision No.: 435798.
Action Code: R310. MRID No. 48129614.
Document (PDF) (56 KB PDF).
December 06, 2010. Efficacy Review. 8 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
Products: Sergeant's Fipronil + Cyphenothrin Squeeze-on for Dogs. EPA Reg. #: 2517-RUN.
Decision #s: 435798. DP#s: 380757. Submission: R310, New Products, RD Science Review.
MRIDs: 48129609, 48129610, 48129611, 48129612, 48129613.
Document (PDF) (123 KB PDF).
January 04, 2011. DER. 5 Page(s).
Indira Gairola. Technical Review Branch.
FIPRONIL. CYPHENOTHRIN. (Sergeant's Fipronil + Cyphenothrin Squeeze-On for Dogs).
Product Identity and Composition (OPPTS 830.1550). Description of Materials Used
to Produce the Product (OPPTS 830.1600)...MRID Nos. 481296-01, 481296-02. DP D380755.
Document (PDF) (85 KB PDF).
July 01, 2011. Efficacy Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-129. Products: Cyphenothrin + Pyriproxyfen Squeeze-on for Dogs (20%).
Decision #s: 445165. DP#s: 387383, 390083. Efficacy Evaluation of Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
Squeeze-ons for Dogs against Mosquitoes...on Dogs. MRIDs: 48382701.
Document (PDF) (72 KB PDF).
July 01, 2011. Efficacy Review. 3 Page(s).
Clayton Myers. RD-IB.
EPA Reg. #: 2517-130. Products: Cyphenothrin + Pyriproxyfen Squeeze-on for Dogs (30%).
Decision #s: 445169. DP#s: 387382, 390079. Efficacy Evaluation of Sergeant's Cyphenothrin
Squeeze-ons for Dogs against Mosquitoes...on Dogs. MRlDs: 48382701.
Document (PDF) (72 KB PDF).