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Index of Cleared Science Reviews

Index for Flutolanil (Pc Code 128975)

June 16, 1988. Memorandum. 343 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Experimental Use Permit for Non-Food Use of Flutolanil
(Moncut) on Turf.
EPA Identifying No.: 45639-EUP-GI, EPA MRID No's:
40342905 through 40342928, EPA Record No.: 202999.
Tox review 006673.
Attachment(s) following:

June 16, 1988. Memorandum.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
(continued) Inert ingredient info on page 2 not included.
Pages 15-17, 22-26, 30-35, 39-44, 48-53, 57-63, 67-71, 75-81
85-91, 95-102, 106-110, 114-118, 125-134, 141-150, 160-177,
185-203, 220-236, 242-253, 258-264, 269-280, 293-313
removed, registrant data.

*End of attachments*

August 14, 1991. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Doug Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Flutolanil; Nor-AM Chemical Company's Letter Dated
June 17, 1991.

April 19, 1992. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Donald Stubbs. Registration Support Branch.
Product Chemistry Review
Pages 9-17 deleted-description of product manufacturing
Attachment(s) following:

May 21, 1992. Memorandum.
Bipin Gandhi. Registration Support Branch.
Secondary Review of Flutolanil Technical.

May 11, 1992. Memorandum.
Adrian Burns. Analytical Chemistry Branch.
Product Chemistry Review of Fluotanil Technical
(EPA ID No. 045639-RLU), and Proster 50 WP (EPA
ID No. 045639-RLG).

*End of attachments*

May 19, 1992. Memorandum. 109 Pages.
Doug Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
EEB Topical Summary and Disciplinary Review for Flutolanil
Technical and its formulated end use product Folistar 50W.P
Pages 23-27,40-42, 49-52, 70-72, 81-83, 96-98 are not
included-registrant data.

July 22, 1992. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch.
Flutolanil: New End Use Product Registration: Non-Food/
Feed Use. Inert ingredient info on page 4 not included.

March 11, 1993. Memorandum. 201 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Flutolanil (fungicide) -- NEW CHEMICAL.
Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Task 2: Environmental Fate Assessment.
December 14, 1992 (Dynamac); Pages 16-32, 38-47, 54-67, 73-
83, 88-96, 104-123, 130-150, 157-177 removed-registrant data.

May 7, 1993. Memorandum. 6 Pages.
Stephen Dapson. Toxicology Branch II.
FLUOTANIL: Review of previously submitted studies.
EPA DP Barcode: D183445; EPA Submission No.:S427267; EPA
MRID No: 418412-05, -06, -07, 418508-03, -04, -05.

April 11, 1994. Review. 6 Pages.
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
approval of EUP on peanuts, revision of EUP on rice.

June 9, 1994. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
RfD / Peer Review Report on Flutolanil (Moncut) [3'-
isopropoxy-2-(trifluoromethyl) benzanilide].

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